Abstracts your network

>abstracts your network
>handles your requests
>makes oop babbies cry
why aren't you using elixir?

Attached: elixir.png (450x188, 34.14K)

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it's kinda ugly desu

I like the language, but I don't like that it's confined to a VM, it's pretty slow and heavy, its niche is very limited and its platform/ecosystem is completely dead outside of it.
If you're not a big company that needs some big dick concurrent, distributed, possibly embedded, stuff, Phoenix for webdev, as nice as it is, is all there is.

I want to get into it, but I don't have a use for it's unique strengths

I am though. It's nothing special.

A bit the same for me. There is a lot to learn, but it would be strictly limited to personal projects until I would be proficient enough with Elixir and Phoenix to start looking for gigs with this stack. The whole part about processes, supervisors and genservers is a bit daunting.

because me not using irrelevant languages makes OP seethe

I am using it

Because I’m using the other meme LLVM scripting language Julia

It looks interesting, but it's too slow and memory intensive and doesn't actually offer any advantages over like golang or even python for my use cases (microservices).

>type checks at runtime

Consider this cis gendered alternative gleam.run/

because clojure is simpler.

What about Clojerl?

Bruh, you have no clue, the BEAM is amazing for microservices

Because Elixir is a BEAM language, and if you need BEAM for some reason there are better languages like Gleam.

Elixir was made for retarded ruby fags.

do you really WANT oop people moving in to it? It's doing good enough with the people who actually uderstand what it's good at.
let it be, it's use cases will not disappear for the foreseable future.

> do you really WANT oop people moving in to it?

kek, Who do you think created Elixir? It's the OOP/Ruby fag version of erlang.

Cause I couldn't get a job in it.

>It's the OOP version of erlang
Considering it's not object oriented and doesn't have classes or objects, no it's not.

Imagine coming online and posting about something you have no clue of just to pretend you fit in with the schizo contrarians on Any Forums

Erlang and elixir is what message-passing OOP is, anyway. Genservers are concurrent objects. The more I code in Go, the more I realize how good it would be to have supervisors, genservers, genstage in Go.

I am.

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