Can expirence in a semiconductor fab help me land a job in IT?

Can expirence in a semiconductor fab help me land a job in IT?

I don't really know what IT workers do, but I basically just sit at a computer all night and make sure various automated tasks run as they're supposed to and respond when they don't along side a bit of maintenance work here or there, and that seems like it would be similar to the stuff I hear about IT workers doing.

I am really hating my job rn but I honestly have no clue where I could work, I don't think fab skills really transfer over anywhere easily.

Attached: processor manufacturing chip factory globafoundries dresden 2015 getty.jpg (1024x659, 202.63K)

The tech industry is pretty elitist and doesn't really like tradies trying to jump from unrelated industries, especially when they don't have a 4 year degree, you have the same prestige as a grocery store worker, miner or truck driver learning to code as far as they're concerned.
That is, unless you're female, gender non-conforming or non-white, then they suddenly want you.
Better get in before the bubble pops, the tech industry is collapsing in slow motion as we speak.

But user I already work for a tech company

don't listen to this imbecile:

what IT job do you want to have?

Would you describe your job as factory work or as engineering?

I guess something where I can stay up all night and fix problems as they arrive without having to wear a retarded suit and having to go 5 hours without taking a piss

I am officially a technician

Honestly I think it's hard to say. I am by no means an engineer, but I would also be completely useless in any other factory environment.

I just think my current job has too niche of a skill set and I want to be able to live somewhere other than the 5 or so places outside of asia with a fab.

How old are you?

24, had the job since I was 20

We have the same age. It took me two years to self-learn programming and find a job. I started this year. I don't know what to tell you because i don't know where you live and how things will go for you. I don't want to give you bad advice that would have a bad effect on your life.

You are a blue collar factory worker. The fact that Intel or TSMC or AMD or whoever is writing your checks doesn't mean shit to any other tech company.

You think Amazon is going to be jumping on the prospect of hiring a security guard from Google as a software engineer? No, and just because you aren't sitting on an assembly line like your grandpa doesn't make you any less of a factory worker.

Who says anything about tech? Why can't I just be the IT guy at a hospital or university?

Because the skillsets are completely unrelated?

I have the exact same job. How much you making?

>in a fucking fab
>not in the tech industry
fuck off

you work in manufacturing. your skill set is manufacturing. manufacturing is not niche.

as far as transferring to IT, Id say your experience looks good, but you need to actually learn IT stuff and demonstrate proficiency

Just go for tech support in the it industry
make sure you get a few certs, I personally hate MS but MS certs will land you a tech support job
Many retards in office can't so anything. Don't forget to greet them every morning "good morning sirs"

>having to go 5 hours without taking a piss
how long does it take to de-gown and take a piss? Pretty sure you can piss whenever you want.


way the fuck more than i make. where do i sign up

$28 base + night shift bonus

Probably like 25-30 minutes to walk over there, degown, walk to the restroom, regrown and walk back