Is it safe?

Need to start studying for new exam and I would like to get some study aids if possible. Is Anki safe to use or is some shit going on in the background?

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safe afaik


>I would like to get some AIDS

no one ever posted about anki on Any Forums until I made that fateful thread
some important points:
When used properly, Anki will only have you retain 90% of the stuff and you will be throwing away all the cards that are too hard. This can be remedied by adding an additional last minute cram session before the exam.
If you try to remember your way through the material instead of understanding, you will be bitterly disappointed and go on hateful rants against Anki over the internet. But if you can siphon out the stuff that you straight up need to memorize (vocab lists handed out by the teacher are gold), Anki will work wonderfully for spreading out your workload.
And most importantly, share your damn flashcards so there's no duplicated effort. For people who can't understand computers, export your cards as a .csv, throw it into excel/calc, and print. Then by folding the paper in half, you have a kind of paper "flashcard". My french teacher called it a divided page.

Uh remembering 90% of the content is really good

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if you need anki to not fail your driver's license test, you might want to have your chromosomes counted at the doctor

If that's the case, it's very likely OP is going to misuse Anki, but I never understood why people actively avoid using Anki if they don't need it but it would still be helpful.

I already did my reps today!

But for how much longer will you keep it up, user?

The point of spaced repetition is "anti-cramming". Sure you CAN cram with it, but that bad.
Anyways, it's popular free software, of course it's safe.

>nigger thinks he is important

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Why the FUCK is this eighty five packages?

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fuck anki and fuck that smug bitch.

Don't ever run wireshark when firing up Anki.

thats what im saying... it is just a flashcard system, why so many python packages

It's called bloat.

Haven't failed a single day since I started, Although there's been some days where I didn't finish them.

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Feels bad man

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why do you say this? why would a program for flash cards need to connect to outside servers?

You can save and sync your decks online, or share and download other people's decks.