Why does 4chanx use coffescript?

Why does 4chanx use coffescript?

Attached: download-16.png (225x225, 6.48K)

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They are faggots.

Whos 4chanx?

because the devs are retarded and add 9999999999 features no one asks for. The code is basically unreadable. The only useful thing from Any Forums-x is a few styling changes and thread notifications.

Probably got started before TypeScript took off. Nowadays there's no reason to use CS when TS is avaliable.

It was written ages ago when coffeescript was still a thing, and since then no one has bothered to rewrite it. The original devs fucked off and it’s only received maintenance updates for the last 5 years or so.


4chanx refers to the paranormal board on the anonymous image sharing site named Any Forums. They are known for being the hub of many hacker groups who use an exotic programming language called "coffee script" in order to bypass windows defender and compromise their victim's machines

fork it and cut out all the cruft

So coffeescript isnt even easier?
Then whats the point?

Its this.
4chanx has been around for YEARS. Its old as shit and has just been built on top of non-stop the whole time

imagine the performance gains from a typescript rewrite

When is someone going to make something for the webp?

My opinion using CoffeeScript off-and-on for 6-7 years (and standard JavaScript for much longer):
The people who built CoffeeScript wanted it to be a "friendly" language ala Ruby or Python. The problem is that base JavaScript is full of too many underlying differences gotchas. They invested their efforts into the aesthetics of CoffeeScript without doing enough to improve on any of the semantics of the language. Not zero, but not enough. JS just isn't a base that is improved by bending it in a friendly direction. It needs to be bent towards a saner and safer direction.

I started a few new projects in TypeScript and it ahs felt like what I really wanted from CoffeeScript all along. Converting existing projects to TS seems daunting, so they remain what they are. I definitely would not start a new CoffeeScript project in 2022. Hell I wouldn't have started a new one in 2020.

looking at the example on the site it seems a lot cleaner to type much more than typescript. Typescript always felt way too bloated to me am I wrong that it would be longer than the left?

Attached: file.png (1378x895, 119.61K)

That's the problem, coffeescript is pretty much syntactic sugar without providing much else that isn't already on ES2015 and in the convulted world of JS you don't want to deal with more dependencies than necessary. It was a fine stepping stone but is no longer really needed. For new projects at least.

the entirety of jquery's source code is copy pasted inside the script, jej

because faggots who can't browse vanilla Any Forums without extensions should be shot on the spot in real life on sight without moment's notice, but are not

Most of this stuff is included in ES6 now. The whole point of typescript is type safety which coffeescript doesn't have. Typescript would still be a bit longer because you want to explicitly declare types.

// implicit types with coffeescript
square = (x) -> x * x

// implicit types with ES6
const square = x => x * x;

// explicit types with ES6 and typescript
const square = (x: number): number => x * x;

nooooo user! Don't expose our secrets!

what about type inferences? No such thing in typescript?