Things you wish you knew/did earlier

First the obvious:
>Learning to use and love the terminal
>Having a lean host machine/distro, with services and other stuff running in VMs, in order to not clutter the host
>Touch typing
>Switching from IDE to Neovim with plugins for coding

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>>Switching from IDE to Neovim with plugins for coding
this one, happened to me a few days ago, don't know why I didn't switch earlier.

>Avoiding 4channel

Same, set it up today. Had it running on a system a while back, but didn't bother to set it up again when I changed distro
not possible

Why isn't it possible?

>Same, set it up today.
my init.vim looks like the wild west, have to clean it up, maybe a separate plugins file or so, I don't know am still noob with it

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What's the difference?

Different languages for scripting in them. Different but very much overlapping eco-systems of plugins and stuff. Neovim is in general just better for plugins and extensions (as I understand it), and therefore people focus on that when developing extension.
Vim is switching to their own scripting language for the next release, whereas neovim uses lua. This is making a lot of people leave vim for neovim atm. In general, it just seems like neovim is the place to be for the future, and does what vim does, but better.
But I'm no expert, this is just what I read online

window managers
touch typing

Windows 10 LTSC
Visual Studio
Microsoft Windows Server Core

> adding aliases and funcions to .bashrc

whats so good about vim? i cant imagine myself switching from jetbrains to this

I wish I knew about Nim earlier

For me, it was being able to edit a file right away.

there's nano for that, does vim even have intellisense? code suggestions/optimizations, refactoring to use new language features, heap allocations, auto class diagrams and so on? to me it seems like a text editor with a meaninglessly complex user interface so the nerds that dedicate to handicap themselves by using it can brag how they can roll around in a cool wheelchair

>intellisense? code suggestions/optimizations, refactoring to use new language features, heap allocations, auto class diagrams and so on?
That's not a text editor's work. A text editor is supoosed to edit text, and just that.

>does vim even have intellisense? code suggestions/optimizations, refactoring to use new language features, heap allocations, auto class diagrams and so on?
yes there's plugins for all the language stuff. language support is as good as what you get in vscode

I wish I learned perl(1) earlier


For me, I get far with just code completion and a file manager. So coc + NERDTree for neovim is decent enough for me, is less resource hungry, has great keybinds and defaults to vim bindings, which i love and need to edit text properly.
VSCode with vim extension is also nice, but I would rather use something simpler, smaller, lighter and not under Microsoft control to edit code with

The biggest thing I wish I did was learn things properly, the slow way.
When I was starting out I was always looking for quick tutorials and learning just enough to get things done. And that got me pretty far.
But now I realize that when you want to learn something properly and master it, you really should shit down and read the documentation or read a book.
In the long run you learn so much faster that way.

I have a very nice neovim config -- about 1500 lines of lua, very fine-tuned -- but I write objectively worse code with neovim for some reason. I've switched between the two for varying lengths of time to test.

Maybe the terminal colors are too harsh or I need to find a way to adjust the line height to space things out, but it's like I'm coding with blinders on. I write very rigid, procedural code in neovim.

When I'm browsing around in VScode, it's more common for me to think of a better abstraction that handles everything and I write less (but higher quality) code, even if the ergonomics aren't as nice.

Thoughts? Not a shill

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