Whats some good Euro technology to buy for cheap right now?

Whats some good Euro technology to buy for cheap right now?

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Any savings are offset by euro prices always having the 20-40% sales tax rolled into the price.
People often think american companies are being greedy charging the same amount in USD and GBP and 25% more EUR but it's just the nature of doing business in europe.

Europe has VAT not sales tax and if you use American billing/shipping address you pay no VAT.

Most electronics are already cheaper in the US.

Great, and here I was planning to buy a new phone this September and this shit happens.

Fucking Europe, can they please get the ECB to get their shit together?

>Fucking Europe, can they please get the ECB to get their shit together?
no sir, it would bankrupt almost all eu members sir

>Fucking Europe, can they please get the ECB to get their shit together?
Sorry, how about some more Africans instead?

Euro the currency

Just declare them too big to fail and move on, worked 2008 too for banks, dunno what's the issue.


>Euro technology
Most of Europe's technology sector has been sold off to China, there isn't much of value left.

I thought europeans were better than Americans? How could they let their dollar stoop so low as to kiss and cradle the American dollar?

That not really how currency works, Japan is better than America. But the yen is like 100:1 with the dollar.

as an eurobro I hate my life rn

Just buy those ubuntu soldering irons in murricuh and resell them on europe
Ez pz

so its 1:1 with the cent

It hasn't even begun

Europe doesn't into technology lmao

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what should I put my money on, serious question

>inb4 muh asml
Congrats on having 1 relevant company in the modern tech space. Just ignore the fact that it is entirely reliant on the US/Asia for its revenue.


Hey US pls give H1B to some yuropoor working in tech, thx