What is your favorite technology to endure the summer heat?

What is your favorite technology to endure the summer heat?

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Insulated water bottle

What do you do with this bottle?

A glass of ice water.

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I keep a gallon jugg of ice cold water next to me. AC is set to 80 yet I am cozy.

an air conditioner because I'm not some euro poor loser. I set my AC to 66F and have my room insulated from the rest of the house.

You think air conditioner is a luxury?

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Loose fitting clothes and iced coffee desu

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according to all the salty posts that usually accompany talking about air conditioning units? Yes. Granted, most of the salt comes from euro trash.

First time I hear about this. It was probably something luxurious for you and after installing it somehow you started to act weird.

nice projection. It's known that euro scum get prickly when you mention air conditioning.

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My swimming pool. Air Conditioning a close second.

cumming inside my trans gf

opening 2 windows. no tech involved no electrical bill increase. running around half naked and walking in the river so water touches my nuts.

rent free

>2 fans, one for exhaust out the window, the other pointed at me
>mesh reclining chair
>cold water
>breathable headphones

and most importantly


Mommy's thick cool thighs around my neck.

An air conditioner, of course.

Necessity and catalyst of modern civilization. Without AC places like Hong Kong, Dubai, Miami, Hyderabad, Singapore, Phoenix, and Las Vegas would not exist.

Phoenix and Las Vegas formed purely from greed, there's no legitimate reason to build human civilization in the desert being wholly dependent on a single river which is now drying up.

A powerful fan.
I live in a temperate climate so I don't need an actual air conditioning system, hot days aren't that frequent.