Why should I use linux? Why do you use linux, user?

Why should I use linux? Why do you use linux, user?

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>Why should I use linux?
You tell me. No one OS can act as a catch-all for every usecase and recommending the same OS to different people regardless of their usecase is silly. If your usecase calls for Loonix, so be it. If it calls for Shindows, so be it. If it calls for fagOS, so be it. You get the point. Use the right tool for the job.
>Why do you use linux, user?
Because its the right tool the job, for me.

>Why should I use linux?
Privacy. Security. Freedom. Etc.
>Why do you use linux, user?
I am a political activist.

>Why should I use linux?
I don't care. Use it or don't.
>Why do you use linux, user?
Windows pissed me off.

lmao he looks like a Nomura character

>Why should I use linux?
You should not.
>Why do you use linux, user?
It's quite comfy and less of anoyance than Windows, unironically, for me.



>Privacy. Security. Freedom. Etc.
See yeah, those things are great and I adore them myself as another Loonix user, but at the end of the day a computer is a tool and you need to use the right tool for the job. Media production on Linux is still very half-baked right now, so if you did media production you'd probably want to pick a Mac. Stallman argues that if your hobby requires non free software that you should abandon it, I think this is moronic. The computer should be there for you, you shouldnt be there for it. Rebasing your whole life to comply with the GPL is the opposite of you being in control of your computer, like Stallman loves to say you are with free software.

I only developed software anyway so I was already going to have my best usecase experience on Linux, the privacy and freedom and such are only additional positives. But maybe OP isnt a cybersec guy or programmer, he might not be too viable for Linux use, yknow.
Right tool for the job.
Also these

>Why should I use linux?
>Why do you use linux, user?
I'm vegan.

>Why should I use linux?
if you have to ask you shouldn't use it
>Why do you use linux, user?
I don't.

It's comfier to use and just werks for everything I do with my computer. I didn't like the direction Windows was going and having to restart continuously for the most menial stuff etc. was really bugging me, also not knowing when/what background stuff were running at times, like updates starting randomly when I'm in the middle of an intensive game. Also having to open up each program individually hoping they have built-in updaters to update programs, or sometimes having to go look up on some random site to see if there's a meaningful update released for a program I use, rather than being able to just update everything in one go. I could go on forever and all I do is play games and enjoy entertainment, which is very basic as far as I'm concerned and even for me Linux is just a thousandfold better user experience, can only imagine what it'd be like for someone who actually does something productive with their computer.

Attached: gaymering.jpg (1920x1080, 202.45K)

Why should I use linux?
you shouldn't, normalfag
Why do you use linux, user?
to feel special

>Why should I use linux?
If you ever want to get a non-meme tech job and/or want to fiddle with servers, you almost need to know it. Getting used to the terminal through a visual distro (Ubuntu, Mint, PopOS) is a good starting point.
>Why do you use linux, user?
My 7 year old laptop became literally unusable until I installed Ubuntu. It's almost magical, I've always had to factory reset it once every 1-2 years because something always went wrong with Windows, but now everything feels fast and immediate whereas it used to take 20 minutes to boot and 5 minutes to launch any application on Windows 10.
Don't get me wrong, I still daily drive Windows on my desktop PC, but the transition to Linux was so smooth I'm now slowly ricing an Arch environment on a Virtual Machine and will eventually dual boot it once it's done.

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Practical reasons, easier to set up.

because schizophrenia

This is one of the only coherent posts I have read about Linux on this shitty board. Also stallman is a usury American, you shouldn't trust anything he says.

server OS, my computer is my server, what's so hard to grasp user?

If the photo was really "permanently removed from the internet forever," why can I still see it?

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Are you me? I switched to Linux for the exact same reasons. Although later I switched to MacOS just because I kind of need Adobe software and there's just no sensible Linux alternatives.

>Why should I use linux?
>Why do you use linux, user?

I miss arch so much bros, gentoo is eating my life away.


ps. suomi mainittu, torille.

any advice on how to start to play civ6, its toohard for me and I just build random stuff
