I really love this guy

I really love this guy...

Attached: mascot.png (256x256, 30.84K)

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Best mascot, hands down.

why did you edit this with gimp?

also why does some of the metadata from this photo lead to a ctf write up? I might be paranoid but kinda weird

Attached: 1638381799818.gif (758x866, 478.57K)

Hare will succeed just because cute mascot

Which features does it have?

it's fluffy and it can hop

very precious beast


for the time being


Not being available neither on Mac nor on Windows

>can hop
It has no legs to hop, I call shenanigans.

Of course a hare does have legs, you just don't see them

the legs are hidden under the fluff

>I really love this guy...

Attached: 10914.jpg (400x400, 21.2K)

What's up, doc!

People can just port it to ReacOS and PureDarwin.

Just like their massive boobs

What do you mean user?