How curious; you're into "functional" programming, yet you've never had a job

how curious; you're into "functional" programming, yet you've never had a job

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Nakadashi interviewer

It's true. As soon as I gave up functional programming I got a job instantly.

that's where you're wrong kiddo
im at my workplace rn

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The industry does things wrong. It makes them more money.

>use Scala in 2017 to write some Spark applications
>love everything about it
>case classes, pattern matching, pimp my library, shit's SO cash
>end up switching jobs and write Java for a few years
>2021, get a job at a Scala heavy company
>all the code is spaghetti
>single letter variable names, F[_] up the ass, obscure design patterns that only people who go to Scala conferences pick up
>any task takes like 2 weeks to understand the code before I can actually make changes
>every repo follows different design patterns, which makes it hard to wrap my head around
I'm starting to think that functional programming isn't the problem, it's that I hate programming.


What's the value proposition of functional programming, from a business point of view
It seems to me for only exists as gatekeeping, to make entry more difficult for new devs

fuck your business. it is the purest expression of human thought

>it is the purest expression of human thought
That would be talking, you retard.


good mornin senõr


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lmao okay this made me laugh

So am I right that functional programming provides no tangible benefit in the industry?

It's better at representing and reasoning about transformations, which are a huge chunk of operations done in programming. But not all. Functional langs are like pure OO langs of old. There is no one best abstraction at some point you're trying to fit a monad peg into the round hole

I use javascript, so yeah I'm into functional programming.

lmao wreckt

primes = filterPrime [2..]
where filterPrime (p:xs) =
p : filterPrime [x | x

>What's the value proposition of functional programming, from a business point of view
the code is easier to reason about, write, test, and maintain, leading to better code overall and more productive developers. the downsides to functional programming is that most people are used to OOP and procedural since that's what they were initially taught.
all other downsides to functional are purely technical (it's less efficient in many cases) but you don't care about that as a business. having people write code fast is more important from the business standpoint, that's why enterprise software is usually shit. functional programming can make it less shit

how does that work user?
>t. brainlet learning haskell