RegEx Filters

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RegEx Tester:

Pic related: my current filters

Attached: Screenshot_20220710-084132.jpg (1440x3120, 738.85K)

great technique. unique list, it piqued my interest. mind if i offer a critique or is that too cliquish?
anyway, off to finish my liquid daiquiri.

No, go ahead. How could it be improved?

care to export so I don't need to do the work myself?

Here you go:
/\ [Ii][Qq]\ /

The only word I filter out is tranny. Obsessed retards derails every thread with 'tranny' spam. Especially if the discussion involves rust.

Here's my regex filters:

troon cope


found the brainlet (((kike)...

That's a good one, thanks. I've never seen an infromative or useful post use that word

I also forgot troon, appreciate it


Why are you not just using an ignore case flag? Actually, don't bother answering.

I didn't know there was one.
>Don't bother answering
Wow, you're so cool. I hope I can be as smug as you one day

use /mi at the end


/text in here/mi

/m will match multi lines
/i ignores case

and make sure only to use the singular of the blocked word (ie onlyfan) it will then block both the singular and plural of what you need

Attached: CopyQ.BfTFeh.png (392x271, 22.09K)

These "show me your filters" threads are posted by paid shills who are just making sure their threads aren't getting filtered too easily.

Attached: 1654959472242.jpg (474x355, 28.91K)

Go back faggot

Attached: 24F33BF4-A093-43DD-85DF-3A1E17B4120E.jpg (546x700, 136.22K)

/[aA][bB][cC]/ instead of /abc/i


Any mass reply filters that work on blueclover? And whats the difference between remove and hide?