What is it about working in tech that turns people into such neoliberal faggots?

What is it about working in tech that turns people into such neoliberal faggots?

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Its the reverse.

>desperately trying to pretend the economy isn't in the toilet
Don't even seethe about them, just laugh.

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Every new business field attracts turbocapitalists. Most recently people like Thiel, Musk, Zuckerberg etc.

>what is it about being smart that makes people smart?

The idea that you can reach some kind of brilliant conclusion by comparing [graph] with the president's party is ridiculous

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>being smart
What is a woman?

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>line go up this means good I am smart

>What is it about working in tech that turns people into such neoliberal faggots?
its more that you need to be open to new concepts and ideas to work in tech, for many thats also were they stand politically. A more conservative job is plumber for example, it has been the same for decades.
knowing that words are redefined all the time is part of being smart. also being able to differentiate between scientific and non-scientific terms. A woman is anything we call just that. Just like "Punk" or "Genius" or "acting gay". Woman is nothing that is clearly defined. You could have the same discussion about a 12yo girl being a women, depends on context and what you mean by "Woman". Its like asking what "Evil" means, its highly subjective for different people

Woman means adult female human.
A very vocal but very small minority of people use it to call anyone who wants to be an adult female human, but that's their ideological retardation. It doesn't change how the world defines the word, which has always been very clear-cut and precise.

>words mean whatever we want them to mean!
Summarily redefining words that have meant one thing for thousands of years and then abusing your faction's massive corporate and political power to bully everyone into going along with it isn't the same thing as "being open to new concepts and ideas".

Or translated into newspeak:
Absorb clammy white sort dine damaged payment view infringe uncle jellyfish impolite table milky nervous servant rain lean slippery half hatch bat spade cracker flop complain water "classify cross smooth head drain motivate change wag gaping blade inquisitive young".

When was the last year people's quality of life or even just income was linked to the GDP?

What does adult mean? What does female mean?

Tech is the natural safe haven for outcasts.

Has reached full maturation

In mammals (and almost all other animals) it's the sex that produces the eggs that get fertilized by the sperm it gets from a member of the other sex (males) to make a baby.
In humans specifically it's people with two X chromosomes, as opposed to an X and a Y (which would be the male).

You already know all this but are pretending it's not, just so you can align yourself with an ideology that's based on forcing you to pretend that the way they wish things were is actually real.

Remember that this whole gender thing started out as a way to reduce suffering in people with gender dysphoria. Since you can't fix them, the next best thing is to let them live in their delusions and they should suffer less.
But in the span of a few years we've gone from having to be nice to them to reduce their suffering by pretending that their delusions are reality so they don't get reminded of their real sex, to the insanity of today where the entirety of our society has to actually believe that all of these mentally ill people's delusions are all real, always, with no exception.
If someone makes up a new "gender", you're evil if you don't yourself believe it's the truth.

This would be crazy enough as is, but if we consider that there is substantial evidence that this retardation can and does make a number of susceptible people think that they're "gender non conforming" even when they're perfectly normal.
It literally creates social contagion, and the more you normalize the idea that a misalignment of sex and gender isn't a malfunction, the more trannies you create out of people who would have otherwise lived a normal life.


High IQ scores.

what i was mainly getting at was that the current meaning of "woman" is not an argument. just like 13yo girls can compete in the olympics despite not being "women" by the current definition. If you want to own trannies do it with actual arguments and not "what is a woman" bullshit that is just as retarded

>>words mean whatever we want them to mean!
non scientific ones do, yes. thats how language works, thats why we have a ton of words that mean the opposite now because language developed that way. A Trans-Woman can easily be considered a Woman when society sees it that way. But that person will never have XX chromosomes for example, which is a scientific fact. Whats so hard to understand about that? Not even arguing for or against "trans acceptance" or whatever, but thats just what language is.
>woah you call your Laptop a "Computer" despite that being a job title originally?? Its not a person!

>What is it about working in tech that turns people into such neoliberal faggots?
you give an autistic nerd a bunch of money because the company has way more due to government pouring money on them trough money printing lobiing etc.After all bug tech is in US strategic interest.
>autist gets cooky thinks this is what he realy deserves
and basically becomes a proud coorporate drone.Corporate drone favors what companie says.That means imigration open borders coorporations running the world telling you what you can or cant do etc.
You even see this on g a lot they are not libertarian but more pro coorporatism and centralization.And muh trading with china is libertarian.

Redefining words is how they get to change the culture and normalizing their insanity by calling the unacceptable with an already accepted term.
In this case they're fighting against the idea that MTFs shouldn't be treated the same as actual women (sports competitions not allowing them to beat women, men not being attracted to them, etc.) by attempting to convince everybody that they are women just like CIS women, so that they can say "if you say you like women, why not date , who's a woman?" Or "if this league is for women, why is it a problem if , who's just as much a woman as the other athletes, competes in it?".
Changing the language, especially for monolinguals, ends up changing the way people see things, and subsequently the culture. Therefore it's important to not let them have it, regardless of what the actual arguments against them (example here ) are.

It's pretty cyclic, repubs come in and crash the economy and then dems have to come in and fix it. Rinse and repeat.

It ended when bush jr was elected.