Here's your 10b dollars image bro

>here's your 10b dollars image bro

Attached: 1639106552981.png (687x537, 942.54K)

Cool thanks!

that's not what the actual raw footage from the telescope looks like btw, it's colorized

and the colors are all made up

The 10 billion went to Project Blue Beam

now i feel even more lonely by not being able to leave this shithole

It looks like an over exposure over hue saturated picture of a bunch of glass/stones on the river side.

Colors ARE made up.

Oh great, it's this thread again.

space is a lie.

What exactly am I looking at here

Where did you study astronomy?

The deepest image ever taken of the universe. To give you an idea of density, the bright spots with black cores are stars in our own galaxy. Pretty fucking cool.

> teaser picture
you're a dumbfuck, op. actual colour photos and more: not available until next week. read a news website, you illiterate cunt.

CGI pictures to convince the public that billions of tax dollars went to an expensive space camera and not to "MKULTRA2.0: MKULTRA HARDER" projects instead

> here's your test image from the setup phase of the telescope bro.

>CGI pictures to convince the public that billions of tax dollars went to an expensive space camera and not to "MKULTRA2.0: MKULTRA HARDER" projects instead

Attached: 1652463401435.png (829x415, 740.52K)

It's a monochromatic image and they choose some heat colormap for it. Not that unusual.


That's cool

For comparison, a nuclear submarine costs the US military $128 billion each.

>CGI pictures to convince the public that billions of tax dollars went to an expensive space camera and not to "MKULTRA2.0: MKULTRA HARDER" projects instead

Attached: mutt.jpg (225x225, 8.02K)