The Steam Deck

What happend to it? Was it a meme?

Attached: deck.jpg (1920x1080, 416.25K)

It's a computer and it runs Linux. Most of the people who own one like it.

Did people really trust valve after their entire charade with making steam machines? I still don't get why they keep trying to be a hardware company when they're clearly incompetent at it.

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I ordered one last week.

and don't get me started on the amount of ((((linux)))) users that absolutely shill for a company that makes proprietary DRM-ed software

It's not a meme, but I don't see a point in it without a DLSS-like solution and a 1080p screen. It's just a barebones shitty first generation.
Hopefully they learn from their mistakes and go with Nvidia, like the switch pro will. To make both emulation and performance better.

It's a neat device if you wanna play decade old games at 720p and an unstable 30fps with exceptions for the games that don't play at all due to the damn thing running Linux.
Fortunately that's enough for a lot of people who have a backlog with hundreds of games on Steam. But it's certainly not for everyone.

I got one. It's great.
Use it on plane when traveling to see gf. Then steal one of her screens and attach mouse + keyboard and we play competitive multiplayer games sides by side.
Fantastic they got EAC to work on proton.

Then plug it to TV and stream movies from bed.
Shit's so cash.

>Then plug it to TV and stream movies from bed.
With a separate controller because they were too retarded to copy Switch

Since it's a computer we just use a multimedia remote so it's all good

>play decade old games at 720p and an unstable 30fps

that's just not true at all

>What happend to it?
Literally selling them faster than they can make them. Probably will over take the switch.

Shhh they're just making up shit to cope. They're probably a Nintenfag or poorn

>another thing to buy

Nothing wrong with thise machines on principle.
SteamOS was just a shitshow.
Hard to knock Valve's "hardware" when it's just PC hardware from 3rd parties. If you don't like the experience, install windows or something.

Or you know, just use your phone as a remote.

excuses after excuses for bad design
if the retards at nintendo can do it, why can't valve come up with something better?
oh right because you fanboys eat up everything they shit out regardless of how trash it is

becouse you can easy install steam on ubuntu and play games

Playing games outside over the age of 12 is a meme yes.

Attached: 4871.jpg (990x1677, 237.63K)

Selling like hotcakes.
There's even better handhelds now with 6800U that beat the Deck.

The Deck really shows there's huge demand for a market that GPD created back in 2016, there's more AMD64 handhelds then ever.

Damn, you must be a sad fuck.

The Steamdeck can emulate Swtich games better than the Switch can run them.

Attached: b8d.jpg (1024x602, 100.28K)

Says the guy that needs to carry an escapism machine around them constantly

Because it's such a niche scenario which can can be easily resolved in a way which doesn't cause the device to be fatter.