Casual tech savvy tricks that'll make others say, "That's nuts!"

Share some tricks (any) that you learned along the way in your internet-era human existence.
I'll start, for web navigation:
>Tab + Shift --- Reverse tabs
>Space --- Can double as an alternative to Enter when tabbing thru content, often times
>Space/ Space + Shift ------ PgDn/PgUp

whatever's comfiest

come one, cum all ;)

Attached: index.jpg (275x183, 4.81K)

ffmpeg -i nuts.jpg -i wojak.png -filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]scale2ref[overlay][video];[video][overlay]overlay" -c:a copy nuts.png

Attached: nuts.png (275x183, 56.17K)

Ctrl+z = undo

shutdown /s /t 10 /c "the computer is shutting down wow"

`base64 -d

Don't try this, I'm guessing it's the sudo rm -r / or whatever but converted to base64.

Nvm I jumped the gun. Either way it would be stupid to copy random text online so the warning is right.

>sudo init 0

Attached: hetkinen.png (512x512, 6.39K)

can i has wojack.png?


(Ctrl-)Alt-F2-7 switches to new tty in most Linux distros.

Typing cmd in Windows file explorer address bar will open command prompt with that location.

Thank you, friends.

Ctrl backspace will delete entire words, in some programs it is non functional but worth trying anyway. If Ctrl backspace doesn't work try Ctrl delete.

Shift clicking in programs sometimes reveals hidden functionality, inventory control programs tend to have no documentation and sometimes shift will save you from having to modify individual fields.

If you click on a file in Windows and do Ctrl+V in a textbox it will paste the path to the file as a string.

Ctrl+C before pasting, sorry.

Doesn't that shift-click trick work on the windows menu itself ?

cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus

does this even cause an issue on modern computers, asking for a friend

Yeah but I mean try it in windowed programs too. Shift right click gets you more options in explorer. Programs that have a scrollbars with cell document views like in MS Excel sometimes allow you to select multiple columns or rows, depending on what mousebutton you use it will select in strips or allow you to select multiple fields with skips between, it'll save you work from having to press checkboxes or radio buttons one by one. I suggest reading about mfc/window input handlers to figure out/see how keydown events work in Windows. Sometimes you can get something like process monitor or a debugger to list all the hotkeys usable in a program, even the ones hidden or not mentioned in manuals.

it's a bookmarklet for base64 decoding, if the text selected is not base64 encoded it silently fails and does nothing, but if it can be decoded it pops up the alert and you can copy from it. works perfectly on FF/Vivaldi. there is a version with autolinkify/autofollow floating around that we used to use back in megalink days.

If you don't have a mouse and need input on a window you can spam the tab key and usually it will step through each element of the window, or item on a webpage. Pressing space or enter acts like a left click depending on the program that's open. Even in Windows explorer you can navigate only using tab and enter if you don't have a mouse. I think holding Ctrl or shift also forces your space/enter keypushes to act as a right click.

Forgot to mention the arrow keys move your selection when right click context menus are open.

ALT + SHIFT + Up/Down Arrow key in your text editor

holding shift then pressing ctrl+q will show you a list of all the tab's you've closed today

that seems really useful, thanks