Why does it take Linux so long to shut down?

Why does it take Linux so long to shut down?

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Because your MySQL database needs to write its state to the disk. Considering this is taking longer than 5 minutes, you probably have a very slow disk. A hardware upgrade may be in order if you plan to run a database at this scale.

that's not linux, that's systemd
it tries to safely close the programs
i got annoyed by that and installed a linux distro without systemd

Do other inits really just send programs a SIGKILL even when they're in the middle of doing something?

i don't know, based if they do

Could also lower the time limit

you can change the time limits, i turned mine down to 30s since i don't use anything that should take that long anyway
if you find yourself reaching the limit regularly, then you should fix your shit, either increase the limit so your shit can finish, or change your shit so it doesn't take as long to finish
this is actually not a systemd problem

youd think someone running a mysql server wouldnt be this stupid

this is often the case yes

Only people running mysql garbage are complete retards

Nobody would use such an init in production.

This causes things to become unstable and break. I remember my distro dying within a month. Ever since systemd it's been incredibly stable.

Generally, yeah, they send a sigterm first but if the program doesn't respond in a few seconds, it gets blown away. it had its chance to shut down in an orderly fashion. As far as I'm aware only systemd is so incredibly deferential as to give things 90s, 10m, or indefinite (!) timeouts.

systemd is RHEL project, and rhel is basically server os, so giving big timeouts makes sense
on desktop, nobody needs to have large timeouts, 30 seconds and not down, fucking SIGKILL

What if your DB takes longer than 5 seconds to commit its data? Do these inits just blindly cause corruption and inconsistency?
So these alternative inits aren't viable for server usage?

Millions of lines of garbage bloat

>So these alternative inits aren't viable for server usage?
the kill timeout is (or at least it should be unless you use shit init) configurable somewhere, at least globally and in some cases per-service

Because your MySQL server either has a shitload cached in RAM that needs to be written back, or you've configured it shittily. And unless you have ECC RAM and a UPS, allowing it to cache that much without writing it back after a reasonable timeout is configuring it shittily.

dude just unplug it like lmao

Well it takes time to send all the hashes from your pc to NSA for backup purposes. You don't have nothing to hide anyway... right?

macOS doesnt have these freetroon problems

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Isn't that also the case for systemd?
People only hate systemd because it is not "modular", aka it's one large program and not 10 different programs and libraries, and if you ask me, that's based

runit waits 1 sec