Making new Any Forums

How do we make a Any Forums that is only the good and none of the bad? And even better.

Personally, I see the peak moment of Any Forums was 2014 and gamergate etc.

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Real feels and fresh memes forever.

The Website was attacked in all kinds of ways from 2017-2022

What would prevent such attacks?

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Get time machine, prevent president 45 from happening.

There're tons of alt chans with many better features than this one, the problem is bringing people.

>only the good and none of the bad?
define the good and the bad please

i think people just like to think things was better in the old days but in reality it never was. Its always just the same.

unironically invite only or else you'll eventually get shitters

This place was already the dumps. Any Forums lately is the worst its ever been. With all the good users banned. Rampant invader spammers etc.

Haven’t seen much good fresh memes for awhile.

Time for new websites. And ever growing the 2014 soul.

Mmm vapour wave, techwear, THE MEMES. THE LOVE. THE UNITY

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An invite only altchan that was still anonymous would be kind of interesting.

Honestly deleting Any Forums would help.

>ACKED SHIT spam and subverted mod team
All the shit that tried to attack gamer gate etc. Hordes of invader spammers being supported by subverted mod team. Lack of MOOT. Lack of any real mods.
Extreme mod bias.

Lets face it, the “mods” purposely killed Any Forums.

Discuss perfecting an alt chan.

Honestly one could just copy Any Forums and have real mods.

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what are the mods biased towards?

I love Any Forums and I remember when it had real mods

We need free speech and populist movements more than ever! Evil is choking the world!

The invaders were bias against goodness and supported the monopolies and all evil.

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Personally I want a place of soul, autism, schizos, weebs, unique ideas and loves, fresh memes, real feels, and good political force.

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>The invaders were bias against goodness and supported the monopolies and all evil
oook men....

i think lainchan is the place you people are looking for, its filled with a bunch of pseudointellectuals such as yourselves

Delete Any Forums, or do another Any Forumsharbor
Wordfilter the word shill on Any Forums
Do public bans again
Remove porn from Any Forums
Sell the site back to moot or wt

>Remove porn from Any Forums
also re-allow raids

>Do public bans again
Honestly just do bans when people break the rules would be enough

You know how many small, unused chans are out there? Also you mentioned that was the peak, but that was kind of the thing that made everyone sane leave Any Forums for a while. Many of which went to another similar place about a cripple. That period was the death of this place. Try this site back when people couldn't fucking phonepost without it being shitty. Before we had shitty google captchas or 20 boards for videogames. Before moot became pussyfooted.


Your current action is: evil.

Either take good accountability or the outcome of your actions shall not be yours to decide.

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There needs to be way more automated public banning. Just ban people for specific words like "Trump" and develop an AI to ban people for posting Wojacks and shit will be a lot better.

I also suggest range bans for first offenses.

Removing porn from Any Forums is genius

Also make a /nice/ version of r9k

I love s4s

And I hate what invaders did to r9k

Real feels FOREVER

Also keep Any Forums but give it real mods

We just need real mods
A new moot

Someone that cares and sees the infinite potential of the human soul

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Yeah, let's range ban everyone and have no one be able to access this place. Most dumb spammers are American, good luck with that shit.

Rangebanning everything south of the United States and east of Germany would be a good start. Korea and Japan can stay

I don't know, I think I would rather use Twitter than that shit. We weren't precisely pornless back then.

Well I suppose we should have many new 4chans.

Some more authoritarian
Others. . . not at all.

The killing wound of Any Forums is that we have some Reddit freaks that became mods just to kill the website while being hella authoritarian and bias. While letting ONLY the bad shit go free. Like endless spam of flat out people seeking to upset Any Forums users

R9k lately is nothing but people cursing the people of this website
Unironically attacking people for being fun or posting anime.

There are actual evil people that shit the bed when gamer gate happened and since then spent their life trying to make 4channers into punching bags

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That would probably keep this place you're talking about the same as this one with only less annoying Italians or dragon ball enjoyers.

Liquidate the jannies. The quality of threads will increase tendfold.

You have to go back.