Sorry if this isn't the place to ask

Sorry if this isn't the place to ask
I sent XMR to a temporary address 7 hours ago, I received at least one confirmation before the address expired but 7 hours later I'm at 236 confirmations and the transaction still doesn't appear on the receiving wallet.
I noticed I was using an outdated version of monero, so I updated it to the latest v0.17 but the transaction still isn't finished.
Is there a way to know if the funds are lost?

Attached: xmr.png (480x480, 6.61K)

I have intercepted them.

no pls

Attached: 1631408499769.jpg (600x525, 63.89K)

crypto trash belongs in you fucked around with stupid meme scam coins, and you just got found out.
your shit is probably gone. the entire crypto ecosystem is designed to steal money from hapless users by encouraging them to regularly make critical errors and make poor judgements about their """assets"""

I really don't give a fuck about crypto, I know it's a huge pile of bullshit, but I need to use it since it's the only way for an autist like me to buy drugs

Lol you're glowing over text.

Please explain how an anonymous method of payment that Trudeau couldn't stop like he did with bank accounts, is a scam.

Goto the xmr general in biz

Who is telling you it's not in the other wallet?

I have access to the other wallet.

>Please explain how bla bla is a scam
"revolutionary cryptocurrency blockchain"
done. scam identified.
you fell for discord-generated marketing garbage. your money is gone.
have fun trying to withdraw your USD on your fractional reserve scamcoin economy as it continues to tank lmao

Look the transaction up on the Monero block explorer and see if it went through

This isn't your cheese pizza transaction support group, kill yourself troon

lmao what's the matter glowie, you mad that people are taking their freedom back?

Seems so.
>Difficulty: 290796759299
>Height: 2661774
>Hashrate: 2423.3 Mh/s
>Emission: 18144262
>Confirmations: 262
>From Block: 2661512
I have no idea what this shit means though

you'll just fucking believe anything some transexual on discord tells you?
i bet you think that you're totally gonna become rich from trading the NFTs you find in a lootbox from a video game, too

Yes, something from 2014 was made on discord. I'd say think before you type, but you probably did. Most scam coins are 2020 and newer. It's actually not traceable, pretty sure none have traced it.

Have you looked at the code? Or do you just like to crap on it because you're unable to understand it?

might need to do a full rescan if the receiving wallet is using a remote node.

You should be fine, 262 confirmations is way over the acceptance threshold. Just wait and see, the only way something would have fucked up is if you input the wrong address

You sure you typed in the address right? I've never waited more than an hour for XMR transactions.

It's over

>Have you looked at LE CODE?????
this fucking site makes me want to kill myself so bad

Attached: amontialldo.png (720x593, 651.48K)

I only control the monero GUI, I don't think I can ask the platform where the receiving wallet is hosted to do a rescan
But it's not normal for it to take that long, is it? I think I got about 6 or 7 confirmations in before the temporary address expired.
Yeah I copypasted it properly. There are two issues I can think of
>somehow me using an outdated GUI fucked up the transaction
>the fact that the temporary address expired about 6 confirmations in wasn't enough for the transaction to be secured

>Have you looked at the code?
i love it when y'all say this shit, as though it's a gotcha. no, i didn't "look at the code" for every one of your 20,000 scamcoins. if i did, presumably due to not having a life, i would find the same dubiously legal shit that enables just enough to fuel some speculative hype so that the creators can pump pump pump before they dump.
why are you even bothering, i will NOT believe your lies about your "super special magical coin". no, i do not believe it if you say this one is actually unique and special. go find your rubes somewhere else like on