Is nuclear green?

Is nuclear green?

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Unironically, yes.
The nuclear waste generated by a single plant is a negligible impact to the environment over the course of it's service life.

the nuclear jew will say yes

It's acceptable to use in our current circumstances, it's not exactly ideal to give money to genocidal presidents.

I don't understand why they're decommissioning existing nuclear plants in places that are already starved for electricity like california, they could end their drought and power issues immediately if they built nuclear plants along the coast that also doubled as desalination plants, instead, they're spending billions on solar and they don't even break even before the panels start to degrade.

> t. oil jew

As long as it doesn't melt down.

Wtf are you talking aboutm

Yeah until something goes wrong
Proponents always say nothing can go wrong until it does then act like they saw what was wrong all along and idiots just built it anyway

Regardless, pretty sure burning coal has released far more radioactive material than nuclear waste even adjusted for total energy output

Glowing green radiation

>Let's just store that crap in the ground, it's safe how would something bad happen.

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> let's just spew our shit everywhere. Nobody will notice will they?

Can't see it from my house

you embed it in glass and it's perfectly safe
funnily enough the nuclear industry is the only one which actually takes responsibility for its waste. all the others just shit up the atmosphere with coalium and then we all get lung cancer
reminder that treehuggers are directly responsible for climate change. fucking renewable garbage

Yeah it sure looks like it's green.

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Nothing wrong with burying an exploitable energy source for our future generations. Too bad we're too numb-skulled to realize our current generation can exploit it right now.

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Where do you think it was before we mined it?

Yes. No matter how dangerous nuclear waste may be the fact that it can be positively tracked, controlled, and contained makes it infinitely less dirty than fossil fuels. Or even renewables because China don't give a shit about properly disposing of manufacturing waste, not to mention that they're burning coal to make solar panels, which kind of defeats the whole fucking purpose of clean renewables.

>I don't understand why they're decommissioning existing nuclear plants
I'll get called a lolbert for this by retards who are too heavily invested in absolute shit energy like solar and wind, but unironically over-regulation strangles nuclear plants to death because the government is retarded and panders to NIMBYs. Something as simple as upping the output of the plant to meet demand can take over 5 years and millions of dollars in pointless regulatory fees. In that time, regulations can change based on newer, safer, and more efficient technologies, making the regulatory agencies less likely to grant permits.

everything fucking started with dumbass hippies falling for an advertising campaign ran by big oil to shill plastics
and now we are getting round 2 where dumbass hippies are falling for a 'solar good, nuke bad' advertising campaign

i want my fucking paper bags bags god damn it

Ideally - the cleanest we've got.
Realistically - THE WORST overall. Not green, and not safe.

So we bury the nuclear waste in the Nevada salt rock. That's fine. There is plenty of space. (but to TRANSPORT it to nevada, is that safe? No? So where are you burying it? Your back yard?)

However, the issue is that the plants themselves are EXTREMELY unsafe. It doesn't matter if we have electricity for 500 years if a single plant destroys millions of people. Further, nuclear plants emit radiation within some miles of their existence, and inside the plants themselves. The radiation is small though The byproduct pollutes the atmosphere?
Filter it as best we can.

I think there's going to be more of these disasters in the future. Just based on how the world is progressing. We assume skilled engineers are going to continue to be educated, and dutiful, while the education system, and the rest of the world, the political system, government, that support these hard-wroking engineers becomes utter garbage, filled with drug use and violent opinions. The west is becoming infested with utter garbage from every race and culture imaginable, and such washing is destroying the moral fabric that keeps people feeling like they want to contribute.

So yes it's technically most "clean" we've got, but I don't want to live a thousand miles from any of these fuckers.

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