What launcher do (You) use

For me its blloc.com/

Attached: sddefault.jpg (640x480, 23.38K)

Is this supposed to help people with ADHD?

doesn't work on my iphone 13

Niagara launcher pro.
Not gonna bother to take a screenshot.

>subscription for a launcher

whatever is default on my rom
why is their site so shit
good, iFaggots get the rope

Attached: 1657146607709.png (1080x2160, 2.4M)

God gave you a subscription known as life.

I am willing to pay for a launcher. Even something as ridiculous as even ten.
But thirty is STEEP, and per-YER is just fucking stupid.
>use phone for five years
>$150 for the UI to move between actual apps


Dumb poor loser lmao

I tested when was beta version and One UI from Samsung is more friendly. Bloc is cool, but its also bloat with fancy UI.

Attached: 1656373677789.jpg (1024x603, 98.82K)

>le bloat

>paying for a launcher
get the FUCK out

for me, its no launcher (21 kb)

not paying for useless garbage doesn't make you poor

>what the beck is piracy

I wanted their phone. Too bad they stopped producing it

>I use the stock launcher that is trash
Trash taste

it is fast, light, and has good recents integration
what do you not like about it?

pie launcher

Name that launcher goy