Be me, FOSS weirdo giving my first public presentation

>Be me, FOSS weirdo giving my first public presentation
>Nervously rub my programmers socks together as my lecture starts. T-this is the big time, boys!
>Start talking about difficulties I faced in making my pet project a reality
>Accidentally insult systemd
>Literal Lennart Fucking Poettering is in the audience and demands the microphone, gets it
>Starts criticizing you and saying you're wrong. Breaks the microphone.
>"S-sorry Lennart"
>Get a new microphone. Friend pronounces "learning" in his stilted, nervous English and Lennart thinks he's saying his name, and demands the microphone again. Breaks it.
>"S-sorry, Lennart"
>Get a new microphone. "N-next slide, please"
>Slide has a criticism of dbus
>Lennart demands the microphone and gets it
>Keeps happening for the next 40 minutes
D-did I just experience a hostile work environment, b-bros? D-do I go to HR? Is this why women don't like tech?

Attached: screenshot-2022_07_06-014403_PM.jpg (1200x794, 64.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

All this proves is that Poettering is a massive faggot who can't take criticism.

This video has been otherwise scrubbed from the Internet and you can't find it with YouTube, Google, or Reddit search. No one seems to remember this incident. Archive it while you can.

Holy kek - bump

Do you have the one with someone criticizing

based pottery.

Be a man and politely ask him to SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop interrupting YOUR presentation (not his). If he wants to ask some questions or offer criticizm, he can do that afterwards. Jeez.

that's a big guy

Attached: c5hpl.jpg (960x540, 77.19K)

Lmao this vid doesn't even have 1000 views yet

Watch that change real quick

This was uploaded 8/9 years ago...

This dude's breathing

Telling off obnoxious neck beards is just part of the job description if you plan to work in open source

Sadly I can't find it

I'd take neckbeard over smooth twink harem teaboy

>Fat neckbeard developer tries to give a conference but Lennart Poettering keeps rudely interrupting in the audience

Attached: screenshot-2022_07_06-035813_PM.jpg (775x780, 68.14K)

> This video has been otherwise scrubbed from the Internet

systemd man gone wild

My long lost brethren

Attached: screenshot-2022_07_06-062919_PM.jpg (501x506, 29.63K)

i feel bad for this guy with the big stomach. why did he insist on tucking in his shirt. i hope he is happy right now.

Trannies didn't exist back then but she def is one now