Linux is bad because it can't run legacy windows trash my windows pc barely runs

>Linux is bad because it can't run legacy windows trash my windows pc barely runs

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i use linux desu, but stop coping. people complain that linux can't run basic crap like photoshop or gaymes or other proprietary stuff, which is valid.

I don't understand how adobe refusing to relaease photoshop on linux is somehow a problem with the OS

>adobe won't release photoshop
>person wants to use photoshop
>photoshop isn't available on linux
>person doesn't want to use linux
it's literally that simple

holy gem

>Person doesn't want to use linux
Not the topic here.

It's not a problem with the os, but a problem what the system brings on the table.
If the desired software cannot run on that underlying software, any sane person just uses a different underlying software.

Stop coping Linux fags.
Unless u get big tech to release shit for linux, you're doomed.

that's literally the topic here, stop being retarded
see if you're still confused.

The legacy windows trash in question

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You could argue the same for TempleOS. If there does not exist a market for this software on Linux then these companies are not going to port it all over, when you use Linux your not just buying into the OS you're also buying into it's community. That being said Linux is still superior, I won't defend my statement as it is objectively true whatever your use case might be.

>You are doomed
Have you seen windows 11?

t. retarded updooter

>Unless u get big tech to release shit for linux, you're doomed.
How? Adobe hates GNU/Linux to a psychotic degree because their software famously lacks portability (presumably because it's insanely complex).
One famous example being how they used to claim their GNU/Linux port of Flash was shitty because of inherent OS limitations, then when HTML5 came around the corner and browsers added native video support, it was instantly a vast improvement wherever it was supported.

>still confused
I'm the OP, you insufferable faggot. The thread is about dumb shills who blame their lazyness on linux

I really HATE using Windows but I rely on Adobe software, especially After Effects and Illustrator. I fucking hate these jews but what are you gonna do. I wish more companies would be like Bitwig and create software for all platforms.

not him but
yes windows 11 is hot garbage, but having the software people need outweighs the fact that it's a garbage OS. luckily i don't need any of that crap so i can use linux, but if i did need some proprietary garbage i would definitely be putting up with windows

Most windows users don't even use 10% of the actually good parts of the OS

>I am right because I am right
Explain why nvidia refuses to make workinv drivers for linux when there's market?
Millions of people use linux as a desktop. You really think they don't need photoshop?

not being able to run the software they want is not laziness and it's a valid reason to reject an OS

Most of the software runs if you know how to. It's laziness and inability to learn.

Uninstalled pop os and installed Windows again. Can finally stop using Wine cope and use Razer and Vortex again.

Quit posting wojaks.

>You really think they don't need photoshop?
Why do neckbeard manchildren need Photoshop? You don't need professional tools to draw happy merchant and pepe memes.

photoshop won't run
all the other common adobe crap won't run
most multiplayer games won't run
microsoft office apps won't run, unless you use some crappy old ass version with wine, and even then it'll be buggy as shit
i know they don't run because i tried to run them myself. it's not a good experience and people don't want to spend hours "learning" and going through unnecessary hoops that may or may not end up working just to end up with an inferior experience anyways
>M..most of the software runs
that's not enough, if someone can't replace that 1 program they need or really enjoy, it's over.

>adobe won't release photoshop
This is the problem. So why point all the hate towards Linux, and not Adobe?

this is true, notepad++ made me drop linux, and I'm not joking, still using windows 7 until a decent text/code editor is made on linux and is not terminal garbage

it can actually. good running this game from 1998 on windows 10
meanwhile works out of the box on wine

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>it can't run legacy windows trash
it can though, and in some cases even better than windows

>Unless u get big tech to release shit for linux
no thanks, i'd rather donate to wine instead

>adobe won't release a version of photoshop for a 1% market that are the biggest pirates going
Which is exclusively a Linux problem. It's not up to Adobe to fix it.

It can THOUGH.

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