Is there an actual solution to the analog hole...

is there an actual solution to the analog hole? by actual i mean solves the root problem of data being easily replicable by anyone and not just a bandaid solution that makes things more tedious for paying customers

Attached: 1626537699423.png (680x558, 356.81K)

No, it's just a fact of life, recipe books exist to have the data within spread but there is enough money left on the table to be the very thing that does the most spreading. DRM is pointless if you have users you are trying to delight, you'd have to own the entire interaction process to make your vision really work (hence apps/consoles). I guess this is what a lot of VC money is doing for tech, it's why you hear about DevEx and User eXperience being number 1.

yes. Not being an american. The rest of the world does not care, just copy shit

>is there an actual solution to the analog hole?
Yeah a change in your mentality, fucking faggot

why is modern internet so pussy that no one ever posts the original gif yet constantly need to reference to it

that's not a problem

You think zoomers are going to make an animation from their phones?

I think most have never seen the original.

Attached: N27_No-Cameras-Allowed.png (1024x1024, 20.91K)

I would post it, but it seems I'm range banned again.

blue board, user

Attached: lolislicer.gif (206x228, 18.02K)

you can just say you have no sense of humor

Optical illusions for video that look right when viewed with a naked eye but completely fuck up when you look at it with a camera

i'm not talking about the moral dilemma of piracy or anything like that. the fact that it is trivial to replicate any digital goods at no cost makes the goods themselves inherently less valuable, and the quality of current media directly reflects that

>the fact that it is trivial to replicate any digital goods at no cost makes the goods themselves inherently less valuable
you mean media streaming isn't a multi-billion dollar business because people can just torrent the same shit instead?

oh wait

sure they can still profit off of normies, doesn't change the fact that none of that shit is even worth pirating let alone paying for

Nice try, record label, inc. Choose >>>/reddit/

>i'm not talking about the moral dilemma of piracy or anything like that. the fact that it is trivial to replicate any digital goods at no cost makes the goods themselves inherently less valuable, and the quality of current media directly reflects that
sorry but what is your definiton of "current media"? Because right now as I see it yes content is worse than ever before however, actors, producers, ect. are paid better than ever and hasbeen actors get millions for farting out 10 direct to dvd films.

Its the exact opposite problem, content creation is inflated to a core group and nobody else gets money. Remember when youtube gave everyone a cut of ad revenue? Remember when metacafe started the monetization trend?

Piracy is nothing compared to how lazy and bored content creators have become. And getting in is almost as hard was it was in the 20th century.

that's exactly what i'm saying though. piracy and laziness from content creators are two sides of the same coin. anyone with an internet connection can consume just about anything they want, so there's only room for the lowest common denominator of banal "entertainment" to profit. so that's all that gets produced anymore, further encouraging piracy, and it's just a vicious cycle.

i don't see what any of that has to do with the fact the medium itself is digital. the content is popular (and it's shit) because it's convenient for the end consumer, not "inherently devalued because you can pirate it". just because digital content platforms don't push independent media down your throat, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, or that it gets no money at all because of piracy (which can, in fact, help independent creators become discovered and get paid in the first place).

Original gif is banned on this board