Ooga booga

>ooga booga
>GC bad
>malloc/free good

Attached: vspWhfRbfusU.jpg (469x469, 17.57K)

>ooga booga
>touching grass bad
>flashing cave painting good
>grug stay in cave for 50 years arguing with other grug about best way to make cave painting flash

>lol, it's easy
>just be good at programming
>remember to free, it's not that hard



a good programmer uses smart pointers and never has to free though?

this but unironically

Good morning Sir. I use java.

GC is treated as a suggestion when called manually, and takes too damn long to kick in when running independently.
free()/malloc()/calloc()/realloc() is the way to go desu ёб

This but unironically.

I use Ada. There's no GC, yet I also never have to manually allocate stuff. It's almost like sane languages don't need that shit.

so how does it cope with dynamically allocated memory?

It looks like you have never worked on a project above 2k LOC. Or never checked your code for memory leaks.

Standard container library and the ability to place more stuff on the stack. There's also no need to fuck about with pointers due to data flow based parameter passing.

Who are you quoting?


kill yourself tranime retard


Attached: uLvUcb8.jpg (1911x1080, 69.83K)

>touching grass bad

Attached: stop_touching_the_grass_you_fucking_zoomers_reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg (600x400, 82.73K)

It depends on what you wanna do. Gc programs are slower and use more memory. But easier to write. Worth it? A lot of the time it is, but not always.