

Attached: Lennart_poettering_foss.in_2007.jpg (640x427, 40.76K)

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There's something off about this dude. I am surprised he wasn't fired earlier.


Attached: 1649192493793.png (711x713, 459.03K)

>he's still working on systemd
someone call me when he fucks off for good from there
maybe red hat will switch to runit or openrc :^)

>runit or openrc
Worse than systemd in every possible way

Install Gentoo

Attached: file.png (302x312, 13.36K)

Gentoo supports based systemd

did they kick him out for being an NSA communist or for not being enough of an NSA communist

OpenRC is the default so get lost systemdolt

Bad defaults should be changed

I agree, every distro that has systemd as a default should be changed

My guess is he's joining Microsoft.

Agreed, they should all be changed to have two copies of systemd

the only thing worse than systemd under poettering is systemd under the other red hat developers
if gnome and wayland is anything to go by, expect systemd to become a shitter sysvinit in the name of "minimalism"

>gets his first taste of failure with pulseaudio being phased out for the actually good pipewire
>pussies out and leaves
Maybe we can get more distros with real init systems now.

Explain what a real init system is. Don't just list names of other inits, explain the actual characteristics that make it "real"

sysvinit isn't even that bad. Don't know why everyone shits on it.


The fact that they are just init systems and do not try to parasitically take over every function of the operating system.

Not very nice user.

How about plain text logs that don't need journalctl to read.
I don't hate systemd, but i don't like how large it is nor some design choices. I don't like the monoculture among distros on principle.

And as a followup, nothing to do with le unix philosophy. Lumping all these tools into one thing, it just doesn't make any fucking sense. But daddy redhat wouldn't like it if they weren't in control of every aspect, now would they.