Shutting down

>shutting down...

Attached: file.png (1024x1024, 277.27K)

>hourly qbittorrent thread

Just works.

What is so bad about qbittorrent I've never had any issues with it.

Is it spyware? Is it not?
Obviously it is not, problem solved, all threads about qbt obsolete.

Captcha: XP22TH
i find it funny

Qbitorrent weeks for me
Jacket plugin is sick I don't even have to open trannyfox

>>shutting down...

RSS feeds broke because of a snafu with how Qt6 packs/unpacks shit, but that's technically an upstream behavior change rather than a bug that was introduced.

the only way i can download a torrent is when i pause the torrent, resume it, reannounce it, force resume it, change interface to any interface, reannounce it and change it to enp3s0 then wait 3 minutes and at least one tracker should work

are DHT and PeX supposed to work by default?

Attached: file.png (925x148, 17.66K)

Sounds like a layer 8 error to me, user

i've been downloading torrents for 10 years and according to you i'm suddenly unable to click on the magnet link correctly?

just kill the process like a chad

Attached: file.png (130x130, 22.95K)

Install tixati

Who makes this threads so obsessively? Is this some trans mission?

>Stalled job is running... (41s/no limit)

Attached: 1633461397760.jpg (1200x1200, 171.2K)

I have hundreds of torrents going and it uses 8+gb of ram, is this normal?

Attached: 1653163291100.jpg (897x598, 49.2K)

>I have hundreds of torrents going and it uses 8+gb of ram, is this normal?
I have 5000 torrents and it uses ~2GB, so probably not

Maybe it’s because I increased the # of file handlers from the default?