Why do all these schizo theories always come true given enough time?

Why do all these schizo theories always come true given enough time?

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Don't you know your guardian angel is always recording and God is ALWAYS watching... what are you ashamed of user? What do you have to hide?

Because you think they're """schizo theories""" but they are just simple observations of obvious intentions.

Because calling someone a schizo is just a way of dismissing inconvenient facts.

Basically the Any Forums version of Project Mockingbird.


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Don't care

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>pull network cable
Nothing personnel kid.

Windows users have brain damage. Most power Windows users know fully well that it's shit and don't even enjoy using it, but they rather spent hours unfucking Microshafts bullshit than switch to Linux.
It's okay to deep dive into the registry and clicking through thousands of obscure named keys, but running 1 terminal command? Nah, won't do this.
Someone explain this to me.

It's worth remembering that this is only possible because Microsoft *cannot* remove these legacy methods without gimping the OS. So we do get something out of how much of a clusterfuck Windows is.

Oh no, that sucks.

Anyways, who's down for some Japanese food? I'm starving!

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Oh boy, I wonder what it has to do with TPM and attestation?

The registry is unironically a better storage hierarchy for configuration storage than /etc/... it's intentionally obtuse and scares midwits who would spaz out and press delete on a whole tree so they don't go fucking around in it.

So what happens if you already have Windows 11 Pro installed but don't have a MS Account? Is it going to prevent you from using your computer until you make one?

>but they rather spent hours unfucking Microshafts bullshit than switch to Linux
And, even after 30 years, freetards still refuse to reflect on why this is.

A workaround will be found if implemented. Windows is built on legacy support and enterprise use support, both require the option to not have one. It's the same as the TPM "requirement" that was broken immediately by deleting a registry key during install. The registry (and GPE) is unironically the reason they cant stop you doing anything because they give you the power to do everything.

Also that post is 4 months old and my install is less than a week old and Pro still doesn't make you do anything.

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>the TPM "requirement" that microsoft told everyone how to bypass by adding registry values during install
FTFY. You're welcome.

I just typed oobe\bypassnro (as Microsoft themselves suggested) and got on with my life.

MS released a version that lowers the TPM requirement from 2.0 to 1.2. They also did this months after people have already shown how to strip it entirely with a different regkey for OEMs.

Because FAGMAN knows most normies don't really care. Less and less people even own a proper desktop/laptop, they just use phones.

You vaguely poked at Any Forums in the OP post, the thread was over before it even started.