Piece of shit

Piece of shit

Attached: react.jpg (2600x2600, 182.43K)

Better than angular

Worse than Vue.


Which one is the best JS webthing?


Keep coping you chinky bastard.

React > Vue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Angular


more like best for staying unemployed

Nope, actually not.
It certainly was obscure when I started in 2020, but now you'd be surprised
at how many companies have not only adopted it but also rave about it.
Personally, I've moved on because its too much magic. SolidJS is something I'm really hopeful about.
But Svelte would have slaughtered React had it come out earlier. Being made
by an indie dev and coming into existence at the peak of React's popularity is what
gave it an iffy start but it has a bright future because:
> Rich Harris actually cares about DX and works to evolve Svelte with the times
> Sapper came out when Next and Nuxt proved to be moving in the right direction
> It copied the best features from React, Vue, and Angular
> Right now, it's focusing on taking the good parts of Remix and integrating it
I'm confident that Svelte has a long and bright future


frameworks like this should be prohibited by law
stop externalising costs, wasting my battery, wearing down my hardware, wasting my money, and polluting the world

I've enjoyed using react with next more than I ever enjoyed angular or vue.

cope lol

_YOU_ are a brainlet.

companies choose React because they have access to more React devs because companies choose React.
the overwhelming majority of jobs are React jobs and this will take a very long time to change despite Svelte being infinitely better

One function that replaces your button with a loading indicator (spinner e.g.) and then replaces it with something you render on your server (not JS).

>loading indicator
have you tried just writing shit that responds in a timely manner?

Ha, you react faggots have it easy. Got put on a legacy project because its pretty much the most important project in our company nad its written in ASP.NET + Jquery.
Fucking kill me, React is a fucking godsend compared to it

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>old asp.net
I would just start looking for another job by that point.
Either that or convince them to remake it with a modern stack.