The Gamer's Dilemma

Do you install Steam on your PC despite it being spyware or do you just outright abandon videogames?

People who do not care about their own privacy need not reply.

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i just use steam but if you cared about your privacy so much you refuse to, just pirate your games?

yes, I prefer to get games from gog if they have them. but if it's not on gog, I use steam. I'm no absolutist.

What about multiplayer games though? Unfortunately Steam is a necessary evil until someone creates an open-source store. It will be the only closed-source software I'll ever install.

>you install Steam on your PC despite it being spyware
is there proof to this or is this a schizo thread

you could use the steam flatpak, its sandboxed

just use the website??

yeah, not gonna click that
might as well link >.ru

Attached: i ain't clicking that shit.jpg (250x250, 7.65K)

Based retard

My favourite schizo website that lists everything that connects to the internet as spywarr

steam comes with google analytics
it's easy to block if you have a pi-hole or nextdns
unless op is talking about it being proprietary bc thats another can of worms

Software shouldn't be connecting you to the internet, much less sharing your data with anyone or saving your browser history.

If you don't have a separate physical machine just for pozzed shit like steam, it's already over.

Do you also have a different internet provider for each of your machines? Because if not then that's useless.

they already know everything about you

Attached: rigged.jpg (444x250, 17.68K)

>omg if you voluntarily provide your payment info and address to purchase something on their platform or use their communication service and they store that info then it's literally spyware
really nigga
this website even lists displaying your hours as some kind of privacy issue, which you CAN turn off.
if you're that concerned, use the flatpak, don't add any friends (like you have them anyway), only play free games, and reject their hardware surveys. all they get is your email, which is a given in 2001+21

I don't play video games and if you do you're a nigger
Summer brought all Any Forumstards on this board again. Kindly neck yourself back to your shithole

Nah, the only gaming platform you need is GGn

You’re correct in your assumption that I don’t have any friends

support the devs you fool

>don't add any friends (like you have them anyway)

Cope faggot. (I don't disagree) but kill yourself

Privacy isn't all or nothing, that still wouldn't be useless. Not having constant scanning and telemetry by using a secure distro is still a gain. From your perspective as soon as an android phone ever goes within 50 metres of your house it's over.

nah I like living its fun. have a nice day ma'am.

Attached: thumbsup.jpg (259x194, 10.14K)

Stop playing multiplayer games then.

You don't need steam to play video games, you retard zoomer. You can just pirate everything and put it on a Windows PC you keep offline.

>Do you install Steam on your PC despite it being spyware or do you just outright abandon videogames?
You grow up sometime around your sophomore year of high school and stop playing video games for the same reason that you stopped you playing Candy Land when you were 13.