Bro my 2500k is totally fine

>bro my 2500k is totally fine
>i'll just buy a entry level GPU
>it's totally fine, bro

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the human eye can't even see past 24fps

Just dont play at 4k. 1080p is fine.

4k will give you better results then this you brainlet

>manbaby uses neural net hardware to play games

there's a reason movies and TV are mostly in 24FPS retard


Attached: order 1886 dev defends silky smooth 20fps.png (1153x1083, 321.81K)

Fuck off idiot

>video games

Attached: kys faggot anime poster.jpg (3383x1808, 1.72M)

111 fps at 1% low is fine, as long as there aren't jitters with bad frame times. You made a compelling argument for people to not upgrade for longer.

get a real adult hobby like killing prostitutes

>3060 ti
>ryzen 5 2600
do i really need to upgrade on the cpu department? i would go for 13600k when it releases but i wanna sit on my current cpu for long as possible. would it be okay to use it until like 2025?

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Pick one.

>killing them
>not enslaving them and forcing them to mow your lawn

No, upgrade right now, both cpu and gpu.

Why switch to craptor lake instead of getting a drop-in upgrade like a 5700x?

i literally just bought the 3060 ti. stop trolling me.

Attached: screenshot2012-10-16a05utt.png (1321x868, 1.08M)

because my mobo is b450 prime plus it was budget in 2019 too i dont know why i shudnt just buy a better mobo that will support ddr5 as well in the future

GPU is still good
get a 5700X or a 5800X3D

5700x is worse than 12600k or 13600k plus idk if i wanna buy a*d stuff anymore

>would it be okay to use it until like 2025?
what do you think it's going to happen in 2025
do you plan on smashing your CPU or something

no but if itll play games and stooff until then

1600 here, get yourself a 5800x and be done with it.

games are for shildren