Can you set up a website?

How many people on Any Forums can actually set up a website?

>code html/css
>host on server
>buy domain and direct traffic to server


I bet more than half of Any Forums can not even do this basic thing

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-07-04 22-51-09.png (377x244, 28.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I used to host my photography on, then I realized it was infinitely more appropriate to point a domain at a tumblr

I can. I have done it a couple of times before. I use an Amazon EC2 as a server, Amazon Route 53 for domain name registration, and Certbot for https. Each time I’ve had to google to figure out the details but after I’ve actually coded the website it’s like an afternoon’s work to get it online

I have my own website, thanks. Hosted on a VPS since I wanted to host a bunch of git repos too. No, I'm not going to dox myself.

So you have to pay for the certificate, the domain and the hosting? It's sad that we don't have any alternative to root certificate authorities, something decentralized like web of trust.

Let's encrypt is free. You can use GCP/AWS on free tier or usually get some kind of promotional period for hosting but even paid hosting on GCP is less than $10/mo. The last domain name I bought cost $12/year.

I only know the basic web design shit

awww did babby just set up his first website?

Attached: 1649300569257.jpg (1080x769, 120.86K)

That's actually better. Stick with XHTML templating systems user.

> not being able to set up a website
> not being able to get into robotics
> not being able to connect a robot to your website
> not being able to give the robot a paintball gun
> pew pew pew pew pew

i can barely debug css. I have only gotten worse since I started working.
I am working with some godawful portal technology that make me want to kill myself. Literal baby tier changes take around a week to finish. Hint: it is based on java portlet technology.

Pray for me anons, so that i can break the cycle of self destruction and turn myself around this month.

nginx and lets encrypt?


Real men write their server from scratch


I'm not able because I previously had no interest in it, but I officially feel like doing it so I am figuring out js, html, and [spoiler]ruby on rails[/inb4] right now.

It's my job sir

what company do you work for?


I wouldn't know where to begin. I would look at fly io or cloudflare free tier or github pages

I cannot do this. I am stuck on the id_rsa SSH part. It doesn't work even when I tell the website my key.

Deez what, if you dont mind me asking?

Deez Agency, we make websites for clients. I'm the CTO.

>put op is a faggot in index.html
>get a subdomain from
>config Caddy to serve files
>forward 80 and 443
dead simple teebeehqfam

I'm hosting like 20 on my r710 in my living room retard

>not freenom
don't tell him