Make way for Rails GigaChads choo choo

The best framework to get shit done
> created by a white GigaChad who also runs a company that BTFOs woketards
> makes respectable developers out of baristas and single moms
> elevates mediocre developers to godhood
> BTFOs Go and Node Niggers
> Hotwire >>> React (no, not joking)
> requires a tiny fraction of development time when compared to "popular" frameworks
What sayest thou Any Forums? Ready to join the ubermensch now?

Attached: gigaChad.png (460x460, 12.76K)

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The woketards still control railsconf, they uninvited DHH and required vax to attend. quite sad really.

>not using php8 and a php framework


They requested that he share the keynote with some other speakers.
I would barely consider this uninviting. The vax part is problematic though, didn't know about it.

Laravel is a knockoff Rails, but I consider it a brother framework. Any other PHP? Fuck off.

The woketards don't have the cohones kek. Even asked DHH for recommendations.

he's given most of the keynotes since 2006.
>With you having been mostly offline the last year, the program committee has decided it would be valuable for the community to start sharing the opening keynote stage with other contributors. We have a few in mind but if you have any suggestions of people who have been impactful this year, please share them.
this is their passive aggressive way of saying "We don't want the creator of rails to give the keynote speech at railsconf", they are too weak to say what they really mean, but it is understood.
also they require masks indoors kek

I hate woketards so much it's unreal.

Coincidentally, I've been browsing this:
Even the YCtards know.

Ruby is the most pointless waste of effort after crypto.

You are right, and it's fucking tragic.
Ruby is what happens when you let webshits take control an ecosystem.

Isn’t RoR dead? Also I got memed into php as an extra Lang to learn and I was met with a crowded job market filled with pajets

Ruby is in decline for years, but RoR is still used for fast prototyping.

ngl I love ruby & rails but there's just no work with it anymore apart from legacy maintenance.

Tons of rails packages are on life support too

>he doesn't enjoy legacy maintenance

ruby is one of the ugliest languages ive ever seen

How is python3 or go not uglier?

I will concede that most ruby code is the ugliest code ever, but like... it's pseudocode brah

Hecking problematic yikes not the vaxerino
is where you need to go.

I am testing it. I am following the official guide and I like it. It gives me access to my code in ways I didn't know were possible. Plus the Ruby syntax is beautiful.

Attached: matsumoto-implementation.png (836x650, 626.96K)

Thanks but I'll stick with Common Lisp

I'd love to work with this but nobody uses it anymore. There's one company in my town and I blew the interview because I give retarded responses to OOP questions due to my philosophy major.
The people seemed nice too.

How do you earn money?

By investing and working

He transcended any physical need with lambda calculus only.