Why does Librewolf feel so bad on youtube...

Why does Librewolf feel so bad on youtube? I know google wants everyone on chromium shit but this shit is way slower than any other chromium browser even with hardware acceleration enabled. Any way to fix this?

Attached: file.png (256x256, 12.5K)

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It just werks on Firefox, stop using forks by some midwit randos

Tech illiterates should just use brave, its worse but everything just works

Just use arkenfox user.js god damn, is so fucking easy to install, and before install ublock and you have your own librewolf, more secure, more private and dont die if the neckbeard/femboy dev team stop the project.

A couple reasons, and they all relate to the privacy settings. Like how YouTube is pretty dependent on HTML5 canvas data for a few features but Librewolf disables HTML5 canvas because it can be used to fingerprint you.
I really wouldn't bother with Librewolf. Its a cool fork in concept exclusively, in execution it is very poorly maintained. The maintainer's dont keep Librewolf up to date with Firefox sometimes and their privacy settings are also out of date and missing a few settings now.
Plus it phones home.

If you need a private Firefox browser just install normal Firefox, insert this user.js: github.com/pyllyukko/user.js/, and install uBlock Origin. You now have a more secure browser than Librewolf. If you wanted a more relaxed privacy user.js so websites dont break or slow down as much, go with this user.js:

Arkenfox doesnt even remove pocket until you configure it to, its default settings are garbage compared to librewolfs defaults

Librewolf is no better. What good is removing pocket if it will phone home anyway.

What you call "phoning home" is librewolf auto-updating your extensions on startup, it needs to make those connections to do that. Your shitty pocket extension that you clearly didnt remove if all you did was drag user.js into your folder is whats spying you

>What you call "phoning home" is librewolf auto-updating your extensions on startup
Which is still phoning home and immoral. I did not give it express permission to update my extensions and I will manually do it myself if i wanted to.
>it needs to make those connections to do that.
An auto-update feature should always be opt-in, not opt-out.
>your shitty pocket extension that you clearly didnt remove if all you did was drag user.js into your folder is whats spying you
No, it isnt. Because I removed it manually when I installed my user.js. which is what the user.js creator says to do.
its also what the spyware watchdog says to do in his guide.
Installing the pyllyukko user.js, manually removing all the default mozilla bullshit extensions, and installing ublock origin is 100x more secure than Librewolf. And it does not phone home at all.

Do you never update your extensions? When you manually decide to do it, you will be the one "phoning home", where do you think you are downloading the update from? It makes zero fucking difference if you are the one doing it or if the browser is doing it for you

>Do you never update your extensions? When you manually decide to do it, you will be the one "phoning home", where do you think you are downloading the update from? It makes zero fucking difference if you are the one doing it or if the browser is doing it for you
Windows user spotted.
It is not about not pinging a server, it is about the principle of my computer doing something I did not consent to. I did not give it the instruction to update my extensions. It is purely principle, I should consent any time my computer pings anything, even if that thing is completely innocent. And I should also consent to changes to my computer, no software on my computer should change without my permission. Auto-updates are bullshit, even if I were planning to update anyway.
Not to mention I manually build uBlock Origin (my only extension) from its git source anyway to circumvent pinging Mozilla, I do not trust them.

You can disable the auto-update feature just like you can remove the pocket extension from the shitty user.js you have. Its not grabbing you by the throat and saying "no, you cannot disable auto-update, i control your computer and your soul"
User.js is the best when properly configured by an autist who actually knows what they are doing but for laymen like you and lazyfags, theres is nothing that has better defaults than librewolf and id rather have auto-updates enabled by default than have pocket enabled by default, i would not recommend user.js to people who wont configure it

>You can disable the auto-update feature just like you can remove the pocket extension from the shitty user.js you have. Its not grabbing you by the throat and saying "no, you cannot disable auto-update, i control your computer and your soul"
If youre going to configure your browser anyway you might as well go straight to the source instead of using an autistic fork that isnt even in the Debian repos, Arch repos, Ubuntu repos, Fedora repos, Gentoo repos, or any distro really. You have to use their shitty custom repo to get it lmao, imagine trusting some rando. I may be taking the long way around to get a similar-ish product to the one that you have, but the way I do it produces a more secure final product and I can keep it more well up to date.
>theres is nothing that has better defaults than librewolf and id rather have auto-updates enabled by default than have pocket enabled by default,
Removing pocket is one terminal command.
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib64/firefox/browser/features/*

there you go. now you dont have pocket anymore. you can install the privacy user.js without making an external ping once. you can install the whole thing in one command you can copy paste from here as a matter of fact, which is the same difficulty as navigating to the librewolf website and copying the command to enable their shitty custom repo lel.
sudo dnf in firefox && firefox -no-remote -ProfileManager && git clone github.com/pyllyukko/user.js/ && cp -r user.js/user.js ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.[your_username] && sudo rm -rf /usr/lib64/firefox/browser/features/* && rm -rf user.js && exit

When in the profile manager just delete whatever profiles are there and make a new one of whatever username you want, then click quit and dont open firefox and let the rest of the command run. When its done just open firefox and select the user profile you made and check the box that makes it default on launch. There you go. Private browser now.
One command.

Librewolf flatpak is updated by the librewolf maintainers, it really isnt that difficult to use flatpak but of course you wont mention it because you want to drive a point home that its super duper complicated and unsecure to get librewolf working
The point is that you can be autistic about it or you can be lazy about it, if you are being lazy, using librewolf is better than using user.js. I know for a fact that the vast majority of people just install something and forget about it, for those people, aka most people, librewolf is best, you cannot prove me wrong on this because im objectively correct

>Librewolf flatpak is updated by the librewolf maintainers, it really isnt that difficult to use flatpak but of course you wont mention it because you want to drive a point home that its super duper complicated and unsecure to get librewolf working
No, I won't mention flatpak because anyone who uses that garbage as opposed to a normal binary shouldn't be allowed to use computers to begin with.
>The point is that you can be autistic about it or you can be lazy about it, if you are being lazy, using librewolf is better than using user.js.
Wrong. The Pyllyukko user.js is provably more secure than Librewolf.
>I know for a fact that the vast majority of people just install something and forget about it, for those people, aka most people, librewolf is best, you cannot prove me wrong on this because im objectively correct
Why do you keep mentioning other people. I dont care about other people. I can't even prove there are other people. Why do you keep mentioning this people non-sequitur. I dont care if other people are "install and forget it" or that youre objectively correct (?) about that (citation needed), but it is objectively correct that my way of doing things is more secure, which is all I have been arguing in favor of this whole time. I dont care if other people need auto updates to keep them secure, I dont. I manually rebuild firefox and all my extensions on every update. I dont care is librewolf is marginally easier, I have a script that automates the whole process of rebuilding everything with my custom security build flags and reinstalling my user.js and bookmarks that I run whenever Firefox updates get pushed out. I have my own system of laziness that is autistic under the hood, and this is objectively superior to just being a lazy faggot who installs the inferior librewolf.

Put in the work or go back to windows. Simple as. Dont use Linux if you use Ubuntu, dont care about privacy if you use Librewolf or Brave, dont write code if you dont use Emacs

This entire argument is about what should be recommended to other people because this is what this thread is about, i started this arguing by replying to someone recommending user.js. It has never been about you, do you think im going out of my way to convince specifically you that librewolf is perfect for you? How special do you think you are?
Im trying to argue that for the average person, librewolf is best and you cannot prove that wrong so you have to argue that the average person doesnt matter. Get lost if you have nothing of substance to say

>This entire argument is about what should be recommended to other people because this is what this thread is about
No, this thread was about librewolf being slow on youtube
>i started this arguing by replying to someone recommending user.js
And not once did you mention other people until and it was an incredibly out of place argument there too because we were discussing the quality of privacy between user.js firefox and librewolf (see and and ) then you randomly mentioned what you would recommend to normies as if we had been talking about it that whole time. we hadnt. and I frankly dont care about what you would recommend normies, nor did I ask.
>it has never been about you, do you think im going out of my way to convince specifically you that librewolf is perfect for you? How special do you think you are?
You are putting words in my mouth. I never said it was about me. I said that we were talking about the browsers themselves and you randomly started using the non-sequitur "muh average person" argument as if anyone asked or even cares lmao, Any Forums is not muh average person. Any Forums is full of autistic schizos, hence why we are arguing about the quality of two schizo browsers. What the average person would use doesnt matter, the average person uses windows. They dont care about privacy. It's a completely pointless argument to even mention and it does nothing to prove Librewolf is a superior browser, only proving it to be a friendlier browser, even though user friendliness does not matter when security and privacy are the matter at hand.
>Im trying to argue that for the average person,
You werent until you shifted the goalposts.
>librewolf is best and you cannot prove that wrong so you have to argue that the average person doesnt matter.
Librewolf is several versions out of date right now, is less private than the Pyllyukko user.js, and is maintained by retards. And also yes, the average person doesnt matter, kys normie

I want to commend both of you, the effort making your points and counterpoints is impressive and appreciated.

The real question is: why are you using YouTube and not Invidious or mpv+youtube-dl? Do you even care about privacy or are you randomly using the browser?

>insert this user.js: github.com/pyllyukko/user.js/
>last activity: oct 27 2021
At least link the correct one: github.com/arkenfox/user.js/

The recommendation was to another person you schizo, when i say another recommendation is better, it should be assumed to also be for other people. I dont need to specifically mention it in every post because unlike you, normal humans have memories that are greater than a goldfish and can stick to the topic without having a burning need to make it all about them. Where did you even get the idea this was about you? Did your mummy not love you enough?

Holy fucking assburgers batman.

You have literally never had a sexual experience with anything other than maybe your hand, and I am willing to bet your hand rejected you.

>No, I won't mention flatpak because anyone who uses that garbage as opposed to a normal binary shouldn't be allowed to use computers to begin with.
You clearly have no argument. Flatpack is an industry standard at this point, and you just hate it because Any Forums told you too.
>Wrong. The Pyllyukko user.js is provably more secure than Librewolf.
Prove it using real world scenarios that the typical user is likely to experience.
>Why do you keep mentioning other people. I dont care about other people. I can't even prove there are other people. Why do you keep mentioning this people non-sequitur. I dont care if other people are "install and forget it" or that youre objectively correct (?) about that (citation needed), but it is objectively correct that my way of doing things is more secure, which is all I have been arguing in favor of this whole time. I dont care if other people need auto updates to keep them secure, I dont. I manually rebuild firefox and all my extensions on every update. I dont care is librewolf is marginally easier, I have a script that automates the whole process of rebuilding everything with my custom security build flags and reinstalling my user.js and bookmarks that I run whenever Firefox updates get pushed out. I have my own system of laziness that is autistic under the hood, and this is objectively superior to just being a lazy faggot who installs the inferior librewolf.
Contain your assburgers and homophobia. This is just sad.
>Put in the work or go back to windows. Simple as. Dont use Linux if you use Ubuntu, dont care about privacy if you use Librewolf or Brave, dont write code if you dont use Emacs
What is it like knowing that no one loves you, and that no one will remember you existed once you die?
Who hurt you?

>You have literally never had a sexual experience with anything other than maybe your hand, and I am willing to bet your hand rejected you.
I had several partners in high school and college before I took the privacy pill. Now I just dont care enough because as someone who has been laid, unlike yourself, pussy is not worth compromising my privacy on social medias and only virgins act like it is the be all end all of existence. It is nice to dump a load where it is wet once and a while but otherwise it is pretty boring.
>You clearly have no argument. Flatpack is an industry standard at this point, and you just hate it because Any Forums told you too.
I hate it because there is no reason to sandbox software like that. If I wanted to run firefox in a sandbox I'd use QubesOS. Its not as slow as snap but it is noticeably slower on my laptop
>Prove it using real world scenarios that the typical user is likely to experience.

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Who is lying?
Is librewolf really that bad?

I absolutely dont care if you believe me lol, I dont know you bro. Also, nice way to deflect instead of arguing with the points provided, I'll wait for your argument.
No one said it was bad, its just inferior to a schizo user.js is all