Linux Gaming

Thinking of switching to Linux, anons here who ACTUALLY use Linux to regularly play games, how is it?

I dont really play online games, the only ones I play are LoL, DBD, and some fighting games like SFV, TEKKEN 7 or MK11

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The mouse feels weird on most distros I tried and depending on your de fullscreen experience is a fucking joke, unless you're a console pleb then it's irrelevant, slap steam on whatever and run that shit in full screen. Put peanut butter on your dorito dust covered steam controller or whatever the fuck you want, for an open console emulation is pretty good otherwise if you're a competitive digital cyber binary athlete you might be a in a gherkin ass pickle if you switch over to Linux unless you have the time to fuck around with mouse curves glitchy USB mouse driver forks and cleaning solidified cum of windows chuds off of your lips.

Works pretty well in my experience, people bitch about mouse accel but its literally one command away and for compatibility even games with anticheat (apex legends for example) work now, so most singleplayer games should work for you

I dont get it, why do people willingly want to handicap themselves? If you know linux is going to be a nuisance for you then why go for it? It's the same with people who hate apple products too, they hate it because it's simple and convenient. In the mind of a Any Forumstard everything needs to be done in the most difficult and retarded way possible so people think you're a hardcore tech bro because you copy paste a line to terminal to install google chrome instead of doing it like a normal human being.

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sudo apt update && sudo apt install chromium-browser

??? how is this difficult?

I don't play any online games, and it works fine.
Most of my games are on Steam or h-games though. For non-Steam games I use

Also, you can check if your online games work here:
If there's an issue, it's usually with anti-cheat.

Linux for NUC's is a godsend bcs of the memory footprint and all that shit so, like if you want to emulate stuff than it's pretty plug and play.
True single xorg setting to get a linear accel, but if your distro is using Wayland it might be different, I have no idea. Controller support is pretty good and hassle free

>For non-Steam games I use
not a Linux expert may I know what this is? why not use Lutris?

it's not difficult and that wasnt the point of my post. my point was if you have to question whether linux is even going to work for you if you're using it game? why not just do windows like everyone else?

It's pretty much a simple GUI for Wine/Proton/etc.
Think it does similar things as Lutris, but might be a bit easier for beginners.
Never tried Lutris myself, though.

>sudo apt update && sudo apt install chromium-browser
nobody said it's difficult user literally mocked it for being easy and how people get an ego from simply being a script kid an copy-pasting terminal lines.

>my point was if you have to question whether linux is even going to work for you if you're using it game? why not just do windows like everyone else?
this has to be bait

...if you're using it game why go for it in the first place*

>how is it?
bad if nvidia, keep dual boot
good if amd, but sometimes also bad, so also keep dual boot

LoL is completely out of the question
there used to be/is a hack from a couple months ago to get it working on linux but riot has a history of banning people for stuff like that

? if your only goal were to do workload on your pc then go ahead and use linux but if you need your pc to be able to play games then why the fuck are you wasting your time looking up which games are compatible when you could just install windows and know for 100% certainty that everything is going to work at all times? why does it HAVE to be linux?

I'm on Nvidia and things are mostly fine. Stuck with X11 and proprietary drivers for now, though.
But would definitely go AMD if I was doing this again.
I used to dual boot, but switched to Linux-only ~6 months ago. Mostly just switched because I like it better, and not having to deal with as much bullshit is nice. Wasn't too bad since I realized I don't play many games anymore anyways, and the ones I do play work fine.

>bad if nvidia, keep dual boot
wym? I though nvidia worked fine

Every singleplayer Steam game I've tried on Linux so far has worked as well if not better than on Windows, which is all I need because fuck other people.

wrong OS, user

>I realized I don't play many games anymore anyways
okay but if someone does actually play a variety of modern games then there is absolutely no reason for that person to be using linux. nothing is going to justify gaming on linux where with every title you have to come up with a workaround.
it's literally nothing but a cult at this point. people feel like they MUST use linux even if it makes no sense for them to do whatsoever. isn't the point of linux to make your user experience more streamlined? if that's not the case for gaming then wouldnt the sensible thing to do to just avoid linux altogether?

Sure, if you want to play things that don't work on Linux then Linux won't work for you.
But if you prefer Linux, there are still tons of games that work fine. You're not really stuck dual booting anymore.
And if you don't prefer Linux, why would you even bother.