Why does the universe lazy load

Why does the universe lazy load

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it doesn't

To save on resources
Have you noticed how bad the AI is getting?

It's written in Haskell.

>same thread with the same comments yesterday

It's just you, me, and the bots Any Forumsro

> one haskall autist
Prolly a bot post, but still.

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I don't know if these are bots or autists. And, at this point, I think there's essentially no difference

it could also be shills being paid to slide the board

I would believe there are people paid to shill products here. But is there really anything worth sliding?

Ask yourself what sort of experiences would an observer composed entirely of matrices, living in a world of matrices, have?

go back to your pop-sci mags and continue slurping the wave-particle duality gospel

You got a better explanation for the observed phenomenon?

Pilot wave theory

It has it's own set of issues. Namely there would need to be some sort of "either" for the waves to propagate.

It’s almost like theoretical physics is all theories and everything has issues…

it's waves all the way down

you're fucking retarded

It's probably a simulation. The 'database' is quantum foam.

Physics is human arrogance.

how do we know the "measurement device" isn't causing it?
It 100% doesn't give a shit about "observers" because we're not special

it doesn't. quantum theory was created by anti-communist schizo who wanted to bash materialism