Is software engineering the only decent job left on earth that isn't bullshit?

Is software engineering the only decent job left on earth that isn't bullshit?

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>isn't bullshit

You wouldn't say that if it didn't pay well.

We're experiencing a nested bubble. Software Engineers developing food delivery front-ends make more than Mechanical Engineers.

Go back to Any Forums, by the way. Your RGB is showing.

what do you mean by bullshit? Every job in an economic model like ours is pretty bullshit.
If you mean that the job matters or is serious then no job is serious. Dentists want people to have bad teeth, physicians prescribe people drugs that need more drugs that need more drugs, software engineers are constantly redesigning and reimplementing stuff in extremely arbitrary ways that doesn't need it. It's all a meme.
I don't know, maybe prostitution isn't a bullshit job.

It's actually amazing to think about. Someone can take some classes online and build a shitty web app and make 200k. Meanwhile an actual engineer with 6 years or more of schooling and over a decade experience in the field designing engines for cars or aircrafts would be lucky to make 200k

Value is subjective, we dun did outsoooooooourced all da reel jerbs to gina, we live in a society, bottom text
>It's actually amazing to think about
If you have 2 brain cells to think with

Why is that amazing to think about, wtf? A banker for example gets paid most for just stealing peoples money with the government allowing it. A startup founder may be able to trick an investor to give him huge amounts of capital, a person may buy the rights for a drug and become the only seller of that drug making bank or something like that. A person may win the lottery or born into wealth or sell shitty drugs, and so on.
Why is this amazing?

>A banker for example gets paid most for just stealing peoples money with the government allowing it
How do they do that, user?

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Sour grapes

vampirically tricking them into it depending on the ignorance of the host on how their field works because they assume they can trust another human. They can legally do this because they're closely coupled with the government.
I just don't see what's amazing about tricking ignorant people.

I'm not sour about it, I'm showing that there's nothing amazing about it.

He's a quarter right for retarded reasons. He conflated usury with theft.
The way Any Forums seethes about web dev monkeys making a whopping 6 figures for doing baby work, I cannot imagine the nuclear aneurysm you people would have if you met someone in private equity. Lending Uber $300 million at 3% interest takes as much effort as lending your buddy Joe $10, except Uber probably won't fuck you by not paying you back.

Dentists don't actually want that. They kill themselves at disproportionate rates because of how horrible people's teeth are.
The rest is mostly accurate. Soft engines keep redesigning and reimplementing because the absurdly high paid talent winds up retiring early and fucking off, leaving retarded interns who are overpaid to reimplement under a different name. Repeat to infinity. Google's handling of messaging apps is a hyper example of what happens to every single software company.

>Software Engineers developing food delivery front-ends make more than Mechanical Engineers.
that has more to do with the food delivery industry being a cash giant.

I hate to break it to you, but software engineering is basically the definition of a bullshit job.

Examples of non-bullshit jobs:

- Plumber
- Electrician
- Welder

Those jobs are bullshit because they don't make big bucks relative to effort

Prostitution is absolutely a bullshit job. Get yourself a wife, bro.

That’s not what “bullshit jobs” means.

Bullshit jobs are jobs that don’t actually contribute anything of value to society.

Become a software engineer and work on some Electron app that will only be used by trannies and other degenerates. Most software is useless, and the software that IS useful has already been made. The only tech jobs that aren't bullshit are system administration and those in IT.

Every sysadmin I’ve seen basically sits at his desk and does nothing other than reset passwords

>Bullshit jobs are jobs that don’t actually contribute anything of value to society.

>he says while using multiple pieces of software


Gonna delete this post too since it says the exact mine did, Jay?
You forgot one btw, you tranny faggot. You literally spent, what, 2 hours deleting all of the posts from my IP like the seething tranny faggot you are and managed to miss THAT one? You're more stupid than I've been telling people.

have sex