A 3060 Ti is the most anyone would realistically need. Maybe a 3070...

a 3060 Ti is the most anyone would realistically need. Maybe a 3070. Any more and you're paying a lot more for barely much more performance

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>anyone would realistically need
That's the 750ti.

I'm sorry you being poor and can't afford a 3090.

Try working a few extra hours.

Have fun with your house fire

Did you make this post because you’re poor and need to cope with your purchase?

That's two 3060 Ti cope threads I've seen in the past 24 hours. Someone's feeling insecure about their purchase.

Nah a 4060 or maybe even a 5060 is probably more than anyone is ever going to need. The 5060 could probably do 4k120 in everything that would actually be worth playing. Not the next gen UE5 muh polygon shit game with only graphics as a selling point

I own a 2080 FTW3 and seriously I doubt I fully use it.

Link the other one

3080 is just 25% more among good models and you get above 25% more performance and 20% more VRAM.



shit I think that was me.

he's right tho

>buying the shit-tier card
Either buy top end or last gens top end.

Is 3070 top end?

Why? I want a card for 1440p 144hz gaming and I don't need a 3090 to do it.


I have a 3090 and the only thing I've done with this card I couldn't do roughly equally well with a 3060 Ti is piss around with GPT-J-6B and GPT-Any Forums a little


ok that one WASN'T me

>GPT-J-6B and GPT-Any Forums
whats that

3060 Ti is the sweet spot between price and performance of the 30 series cards

Not everyone uses GPUs for gaming.

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>last gens top end.
but the 3060 ti is better than a 2080 super

god third party gpus are ugly as fuck, those fans look atrocious

3060Ti, 6700XT. Best cards.

Attached: C09D137A-E851-45D8-A27F-F2427706E40D.jpg (2048x1296, 308.35K)

Unreal Engine 5's editor doesn't play well with only 8GB VRAM for my projects.

I like it. Then again I'm an EVGA fanboy