New kino just dropped from greatest soverign programmer in the world

new kino just dropped from greatest soverign programmer in the world.
We won Luke bros

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Oh he's still seething about getting called out for being a trust fund kid with no work experience

No coincidence he has posted 4 videos in less then 72 hours


I don't even get the stigma. Being a trust fund is great.

trust fund script kiddie

t. jew faggot

It's fine and all, but maybe he shouldn't be giving life advice especially about how to be self-reliant

I didn't watch his videos so I won't comment on what he said: but this statement itself is ignorant. Advice doesn't become bad because it comes from a bad source. If what he said doesn't work then it doesn't work: if it does work than it works. The real issue is he's an e-celeb: he makes his money off making shitty videos for Any Forums. That's pathetic

Damn, I wish I was a trust fund kid. Id just spend time doing fun shit instead of waging and then resting from it.

You will never be. Get back to work and fill your boss' children's trust fund.

>Soijak poster looks like soijak

Well if it's any consolation, the adversity will make you a much better person, and grateful for what you have. Nothing worse than never hearing the word "no" for your childhood to adult years and being insufferable.

>got land and house for free from family
>lends said land to let companies grow trees there
>has a worthless degree that provides zero job prospects
>addicted to copium so much he has to get into new kind of larp every other week (software minimalism, muh latin, orthodoxy)
>fell for every single meme

>falling for the "falling for a meme" mem


it is great. He should go and enjoy life instead of telling others
>brooo just like have your parents buy you property innawoods!

tbf having a strong family that helps each other is based and red-pilled.

Of course it is. Unfortunately, not everyone has a rich family and this soiboy who got everything for free is completely unqualified to give advice to anyone


Holy cope

>im a sovereign programmer
what has this guy programmed?