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I don't tell my mom I love her enough. She's awesome.

I've unironically installed gentoo.


Fuck off, glowie.

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I do not seed my torrents

I eat boogers

I like to post in anti rust threads as a C programmer, I say clearly dumb and obviously wrong things to make C devs looks bad. I then do the same thing but as a Rust programmer. I don't really know why I do it, other than I think it's funny to watch people loose their shit over trivial things on the Internet.

I hate technology and every second it passes with me being involved with technology my hate grows deeper.
I should've gotten into something else like cooking and shit and not be a fucking programmer.

I wish I never ended up in tech/IT. I wish I never visited 4ch.

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I spent 3 months on W11 when I build my first desktop in decades earlier this year.

I'm fine with W11
Also I think one of the very few reasons I have to not switch over to loonix is that it's not as convenient to install pirated games

Lutris exists and it handles even repacks well.

Lutris is an annoyance to work with. I can't have my game folders where I want, they have to be on a c_drive on a prefix to work, else they start doing weird things.

I want to kms

I think redheads are the most beautiful girls because when I was in grade school there was this girl that was a redhead and she had literally best girl personality, really shy and scared of stuff and maybe she could've even liked me but I ignored her during those formative years out of respect for my friend who told me he had a crush on her. That same friend wound up dating the girl I liked next behind my back in middle school.
I like redheads so much now because I never want to make the same mistake again. Also they're really pretty.

i am struggling with terrible anhedonia. my life is joyless and bland. i could think of ways to push me in a direction to fix it but honestly it's hard to even care. some days i get home from work and lay in bed for 12,13 hours and skip dinner.

I enjoy elementary OS.

Same, I thought I was the only one.

I hate PHP/JS frameworks and I refuse to use them

I don't care about money or being overworked; I just want my coworkers to think I'm a magic programming man.