The most important goal humans have in life is to produce a healthy offspring

The most important goal humans have in life is to produce a healthy offspring.

Prove me wrong. Pro tip: You can't.

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Why would you need someone to prove you wrong, who says that's not the most important goal/the only reason we exist in the first place?

That was true at one point. I have 8 billion reasons why you're now wrong.

The most important goal is being happy

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Realistically, the most important goal is to always be willing to learn

... Apparently we as a society haven't learned a damn thing by shitting out 8 billion people

What happened to that guy, I can see he is still wearing a mask. Beheaded during COVID?

That is a Satanic perspective and is the entire reason why the world is in the state it is.

not everyone can produce healthy offspring. not everyone should reproduce, period. the idea that humanity's "goal" is to reproduce like cattle guarantees a pathetic existence

It was Samuel Paty, a history professor who spoke about the prophet of Islam. He was a leftist but a 17-year-old Chechen warrior cut off his head. Of course this happened in France.


yeah devising ways to potentially combat problems like hunger and poverty are some of the lesser fulfilling goals to have forsure. idiocracy was a documentary

Is anyone actually really happy?

France is the California of Europe, don't mess with brown people before you get rekt. Brown people invasion is no joke.

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the pursuit of happiness is fruitless. True happiness can only exist with a dopamine/serotonin drip

Happy for an extended period of time? Probably not. We only have fluctuations and chemical rushes

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The most important goal humans have is having much fun and as little responsibility as possible.

I get why you’d say this, but I think it comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of happiness. Joy derived from sense pleasures are fleeting and ephemeral, ultimately leaving one in a constant state of discontentment; always seeking more. To be contented without the need for constant stimulation of the senses is a noble goal, a higher goal, and can lead one to a state where their happiness is not dependent on the consumption of sense media.

I generally agree, but that its contentment (or satisfaction, or gratification, etc) not happiness. The other problem with the state of things is brainraped proglodytes redefining words every five minutes.

The purpose of all life is to create life. Every species is capable of reproducing and creating life.

Everything else is just a means to help people feel better about their existence.

Right, personal and established definitions will always have variance when it comes to abstract concepts. There are people who I think either intentionally or unintentionally try to obsfucate ideas because of their own ill-grasped meaning of them.