It's been 3 years now how come I haven't gotten COVID-19 yet????

It's been 3 years now how come I haven't gotten COVID-19 yet????

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You can't even get a virus to pay attention to you.

Same. But
>nooo you totally had it you just didn't know
is usually what I hear. Every single one of these media parroting faggots.

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Because youre a retard.

>[spoiler]it's a hoax[/spoiler]

Its been just over 2 years

It's only been 2 Years user

You need to go outside first you fat faggot

The thing is I've had to do RAT to get into places and a few have come back as postive but the follow up PCR test has always been negative. So did I have covid or not?

Maybe you're young and healthy, and too stupid to realize you had it. I mean like, you post frogs, right? Have any of your grandparents died lately?


About 52% of the US has had COVID at least once so far. It's possible you had it and didn't know it. There's is also growing evidence that some percentage of the population is immune or resistant, not surprising since the same thing occurred with prostitutes.

There's a fair bit of anecdotal evidence also that exposure to related coronavirii, like the common cold, might also make a person more resistant to COVID, so if you're the gregarious type who socializes a lot and gets a cold once or twice a year, you may already have had resistance built in.

>same thing occurred with prostitutes
and HIV, I meant to add.

My grandparents died in the 90s lol My parents died about 5 years ago in their 70s so they missed out too.

Probably not. And neither have I.
I mean I have actively been trying to get it. Been hugging people, kissing those even who were sick as a dog. But afterwards I test negative, always. Didn't have a single positive yet.
This is causing massive butthurt among vaxxed cunts I know who get sick all the fucking time while this shit bounces right off of me, yet still screech about that I should get vaxxex kek.

Had it twice now myself lat flow and pcr tests positive. Had all the vax stuff so wasn’t too bad overall. Annoying that can still get it a second time and with the vaxxes but just gotta live with it.

Hopefully doesn’t kill too many more but whatchagunnado

i have never seen hiv. i dont know anyone with hiv. you cant convince me hiv is real. you lefty zionists make up the weirdest shit

If the idiot hillbillies in red hats had stayed the fuck home for a few weeks instead of running out to cough on fucking WalMart greeters because Orange Mussolini declared reality to be a lib'rul plot to make trailer park sister-fuckers put a piece of paper over their idiot mouths, we could have stopped the whole thing dead inside six months and returned to normal, like New Zealand did.

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covid is over. ukraine is the new distraction. keep up honkey.

I thought Will Smith was the distractor?

How does Will Smith affect the supply chain? You can't raise prices and take away more freedoms with whatever he did.