Install Gentoo

>install Gentoo
>go for the non-systemd variant because cool kids said systemd bad
>after installing start conffing the network
>briefly look at the instructions, they look homo so decide to write a script that 'ip l set up' the two network interfaces you have and assing IPs
>works and be happy about the solution
>realize you need external DHCP client
>don't want dhcpcd because its homo, install dhcp with USE="-server" instead
>works but no log, no way of knowing whats happening
>realize there is no NTP client
>install NTPD and conf it and start it
>again no log, no way of knowing whats happening
Why would anyone put up with this shit instead of just buying a Mac?

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When one goes from
They are either schizophrenic off their meds or an actual honest to god idiot.

apploo nigger mód thread

i remember that qt
Is a gf like this really too much to ask

>install %linuxdistro%
>have to install the bootloader
>have to install the file manager
>have to install the mouse functionality program
>have to install the monitor compatibility patch
>have to install the keyboard hotfix
>have to install the "enable colors" fix
>have to install a patch for my gpu
>finally get to use my newly configured pc
>0 (zero) useful apps
>its functionality boils down to neofetch screencaps

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Yeah it's easier to write your own init scripts than mess with openRC or any other neckbeard init. Could just remove the whole openRC lol, it leaves you with the old sysV the whole thing is built on top of. (but sysv is even more jurassic)

>avoid systemd because it does too much stuff
>have to then install and configure each thing systemd does yourself
also with gentoo you can enable/disable systemd components as USE flags, so it's literally not even bloated on gentoo (as in you don't need to install the parts you don't use)

another tranny filtered. the solutions for those problems are in the initial handbook. i suggest you go back to kindergarten and learn how to read before your next attempt. you will never be a woman.

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This. It's not like you have to be a computer wizard to install Gentoo. You just have to follow clear instructions which work in 99% of cases. And if you're too stupid to follow instructions you shouldn't be installing Gentoo simple as.

>>install Gentoo
found your problem

>posts personal problem thread n.3465
>"Why would anyone put up with this shit instead of just buying a Mac?"

Then buy a Mac, fag. You don't have to share your personal failures. If you're the type of person who buys a Mac, then don't install Linux!! Rope yourself.

Motherfucker you picked up the worst possible distribution if you wanted a system that worked as painlessly as a Mac and then came here to whine about getting filtered by it? This board's quality is abysmal

>>go for the non-systemd variant because cool kids said systemd bad
the cool kids never said that
systemd haters are some of the cringiest nerds imaginable

Have to agree and I don't even use systemd.

nice blog

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>>install Gentoo

>he fell for the loonix meme


they use debian for sure

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