My mom watches Jordan Peterson. Should I be worried?

My mom watches Jordan Peterson. Should I be worried?

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Only if she gets a lobster tattoo.

Now if she listens to this fucker, then you have reason to worry

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He pushes a 100 percent beef diet, so yeah I'd say it's time to worry. The man put himself in a coma in russia to wean himself off drugs. I don't know why anyone would listen to him lol

Because conservatives were finally happy that there was university intellectual in there corner.

better tidy your room bucko

Why would you worry about her watching JP? Do you want her to watch the shit you look at, instead? What is it you watch?

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Yea if youre the type thats okay with trannys and giving kids hormones.

JP has alot of wisdom and interesting theorys but mongoloids stick to anything they can make fun of cause it challenges their opinion.

Dude explains a simple study with lobsters and biochemistry that could help you understand yourself. Immediately have faggots singling out the lobster bit ignoring anything else.

Why? Cause the other faggots say so and youre a sheep.

The guy even preaches liberal ideas but because he doesnt agree with forced faggot pronouns, hes targeted.

>Should I be worried?

She may start washing your penis.

He said he does it cause of a condition he has along with his daughter. He says multiple times he does not recommend it cause its a boring diet.

Theres video proof of him saying so but being the faggot you are, I bet you read that on cnn and decided its a fact.

Yeah, your mom's an incel and is gonna shoot up a school

Imagine defending this fucking suicidal conman lmao
Nothing more pathetic than a man worshipping another man

Except hes never picked a side and preaches self improvement. You faggots read one article hit peice and just run with it huh? Not one bit of research of your own.

Looks like you're getting kicked out of the house. Sorry bud.

he's not gonna sleep with you

haha yes, but mostly because you still love with your mom

This. My virgin dad did a massacre and media swept it under the rug claiming it was a teenager.

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LOL the guy is absolutely delusional. his daughter was helping him market the diet, too.

absolute clowns. fun to watch, though.

>thinks free life advice is a con
>follows cnn headlines and twitter
>zero research

imagine being that much of a faggot in general. im glad your soy based culture is dieing off

She is obviously a dyke.


now clean your fuckin room faggot


i'm glad you bring that up, user. i haven't eaten animals nor their secretions in over three years. i have, however, been eating soy. does that bother you or something? seems like your jimmies are rustled.

JP is a pseudointellectual and pseudochristian, in just the right balance for room-temperature IQ morons on the right and incel white boys to cling onto while screeching their adoration for him

JP is a fraud, a hack, and pretty much only exists to generate confusion and scandal in order to propel himself into popularity

no one prepares a word salad like jordan peterson. it's just hilarious anyone buys into his shit because to them he sounds smart.