I feel an urge to experience an anal orgasm

I feel an urge to experience an anal orgasm.
Any tips for getting started?

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>I feel an urge to experience an anal orgasm. Any tips for getting started?

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It's pretty easy. Just take your time and you'll be fine. I feel like all my advice is the opposite of what most people say tho so take it for what you like

1) use lube
2) buy an anal explorator, a soft and middle sized dildo, a small buttplug and a middle sized buttplug
3) use more lube
4) clean yourself. Learn about enema, maybe shave your butt.
5) use more lube
6) use the small buttplug until you are confortable walking with it. Not acceptable, confortable, it must feel nice to have it.
7) use more lube
8) try the anal explorator to learn to know where your pleasure points are and activate your nerves, and use the middle size buttplug until at least fealing acceptable with it in.
9) use more lube
10) use the dildo *after* a full clean AND a at least 30 minutes with the middle size plug. The goal is to have a feeling with the dildo that's okay. Not good, you wont achieve it, not comfortable, cause it would mean you're not using it hard enough.
11) use more lube
12) get used to using toys something like once a week. Too often will make your butt weak, too little will make the evolution really slow and sorta boring. The goal is to have it feel new enough each time without being tired or hurted.
13) use more lube
14) there's gonna be blood, there's gonna be shit. You'll learn how to do it without these.
15) use more lube
16) toy faster and harder. At first with music and porn but soon without, for it's gonna make you think less about the feeling.
17) use more lube
18) listen to your belly. If it feels weak, you're gonna have a displeasing time, so don't dildo. eat pasta or rice before anal.
19) use more lube
20) have fun!

>there's gonna be blood
From the gut or the opening?

Probably both.
You're not gonna start by being a master of what you're doing

sauce? who is she?

All right, thanks for the tips.

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No problem, always a pleasure to help. Good luck, have fun, and don't forget, anal is something you learn to love, not you love at first.

Bump for more femboys cumming from anal.

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user gave u great cleaning tips, but i would add that mentally you have to be into it. Ejaculation shouldn't be your goal, believe me it'll only lead to dissapointment. Best thing is to enjoy the moment, not to chase pleasure, it'll come by itself eventually. maybe you'll ejaculate maybe not, maybe orgasm will be dry, maybe not. just try to have zero expectation.

Fucking hot, i love sissy with little dick

It looks so...viscous

how do I become a trap/sissy, bros?


You can begin with a steady workout regime and diet. If you want, you can ask what other convincing traps do, as well.

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Also editing your pictures a lot can help.