

Attached: C0A76EAB-4251-466B-AA8E-321326CBECDD.jpg (529x274, 33.34K)

If people found out how racist and fascist Ukraine really is...

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Fascism would be better at this point.

capitalism is economy system and facism political system
OP is once again retard

Yeah, whe know. Problem is, Russia is fucking chock full of them too. Stop pretending you are a noble hero, youre a fucking orc, deal with it.

I'm whiter than you, lol
You're a fuckin good goy playing in their culture wars.

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oh man ukraine is based?

>capitalism bad because I don't wanna work and want everything handed to me for free
>fascism bad because MSM told me it's bad and I support the current thing
Capitalism is literally an economic system where "I'm selling apples, want some. Yes, here's money. Thank you" benefits both parties. You nigger loving faggot commies are the scum of the earth, wanting big brother to govern you harder so you can suckle at the teet of those who actually made something of their lives. Kill yourself.

>I'm whiter than you
prove it

Communism is Like both as well. Stalin, Mao and Jong family prove IT.

OP is a commie faggot.Discuss.

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O rly? Explain how capitalism is a bad thing when government is small and doesn't interfere with individuals? I'll wait.

They basically incorporated a group of neo Nazis into their military so they can kick the shit out of Russia.
Seems pretty based to me.

>benefits both parties
April fools was yesterday. You don't have to pretend to be retarded any more.

>You don't have to pretend to be retarded any more
Says the faggot that thinks communism will work.

Now you may resume your ZOG propaganda about bvn how Russia is also full of Nazis because of Wagner Corp so it's ok to support a Zionist-pleb Nazi financed war against them.

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Oh dear, he isn't pretending to be retarded. He just is

A small government creates a power vacuum that is filled by corporations and powerful men.
Innovation and society suffer since both are now based solely on profit and influence to the ones in power. Rather than the greater good.

So basically what we have now except our politicians are really angry about transgender athletes

Not him moron but you have to have something wrong with your head to think that communism would ever work with humans

An Israeli billionaire funds Azov, your "based Nazis" and Zalenskyy is Jewish. Supporting Ukraine because they openly say Nigger is about the most faggot thing you can do, goyim.

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I don't know exactly what the boot is supposed to represent because anyone who compares authoritarianism to capitalism must have some sort of brain damage

I never said anything about supporting commies

It's some faggot trying to say "communism is good". He's never read a history book it would seem.

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>ITT: retards thinking any criticism of capitalism = support for communism

I mean, Nazi Germany was also a capitalist society so that picture isn't really elucidating anything for me.

Das boot

What type of government do you want then?


Well if the pic is true then capitalism seems like the better option.
Yea capitalism won again

>ITT: Children arguing about things they do not fully understand

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