Why aren't people happy with what they have? It is a part of human nature to covet things...

Why aren't people happy with what they have? It is a part of human nature to covet things? Or a symptom of greed that forms in society?

People around me have iPhones and waste thousands a year on clothes or electronics, I haven't spent more then 200$ on a phone in a decade, I dress plainly and still get the trap

I don't get why people have no introspection or don't realise what they're doing.

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same brother we live in a world full of idiots

I'm on my 2nd smartphone, ever. I only replaced my first one because it crapped out. I did splurge on a good one though, because I'm going to be using it for a long, long time. Android of course, I'm not paying a higher price for a phone with more limitations just because Crapple products are seen as a status symbol.


In an increasingly bleak and materialistic society people try to tune out the deafening roar of existential dread by buying toys.

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What is an idiot to you, though? A leftist? A right-winger? A fanboy of brands?
Careful that you do not become an idiot yourself.

I spend my money on 'pointless' hobby stuff, mainly wet shaving stuff like safety razors and soaps, it's luxury for sure but at least I'll use them all, we all spend money on a hobby I think.

I've started spending money on experiences too, that's real value, like zoo trips, bus trips to little towns, tourist stuff that's out of the way of the expensive normal shit, attending auctions for fun, having a hotel in a new city for a couple nights to be alone and explore, it makes you feel like a nobody in the crowded streets, it's a good feeling.

I admit to being an idiot in some ways, I'm not a mindless consumerist though.

I'm only as smart as the books I keep reading and the experiences I collect.

I mean don't get me wrong I like buying things and traveling too, but keep it in perspective, those things aren't real life, they're distractions. At least buying things is, travelling is maybe more inherently valuable.

I mean buying something is an experience also, a shallow, quick instant gratification experience, travelling somewhere and observing things on the way is infinitely more valuable as an experience.

The last hundred years have been a manic brainwash to get you to buy shit you don't need, then forget about it and buy more shit you don't need, so others feel like they make more money that they will never need, or even spend

Agreed, but if you travel 24/7 from place to place as a substitute for having a real life you're still ultimately engaging in escapism.


>travelling somewhere and observing things on the way is infinitely more valuable as an experience
It isn't. Sitting in a room alone is as valuable as anywhere you can go, only it doesn't make others envious of you

most people are pretty happy with what they got. except whiteboys. all the got was cucked by BBC

I like vintage ads even though it's literally trying to get you to buy shit you probably don't need, back then people sold things you needed, like razors or pants, now it's all streaming services, iPhones, tech and fast food.

This is one of those meta "return to tradition" jokes, isn't it?

So if you sat in a room or your house alone for a year you would have an opinion I should value as much as someone who's traveled across many states or countries in the same year? Lack of touched grass and optics there.

Nah, I didn't get those, I do order old stuff but I also wouldn't be alive without modern technology so I value it, I have a smartphone and PC, I just hate rampant consumerism and forced adopting of technology

I own all the modern tech too but I lowkey hate it. It's a love-hate thing. Couldn't live without my smartphone, PC, TV, car, central heating and A/C, etc. but also realize it takes away everything that makes me human and makes life worth living.

because most of us are born with almost nothing and then immediately shown pictures and videos depicting people with magnitudes more than us just to make us jealous. then when you ask how to obtain that level of material decadence they simply laugh at you tell you to figure it out on your own. if you say you don't want that then they laugh and say your lying and just coping because you haven't "made it" yet. truth is nobody "makes it".

I've taken steps to reduce it, as far as heating etc I consider that standard of living not a tech thing, my phone is unneeded tech, I plan to only have a phone soon, will use steam on my PC to finish games until I scrap it, might get one again someday for now it'll be phone only, something touch screen and not shit but smaller then this 5.5 inch slab.

The convenience of internet banking and email outweighs swapping to a dumb phone.