My future President

My future President.

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Incoming democratic ivan shill poster

enjoy his lies

Why are you seething?


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FAGGOT detected

Best US governor,Abott is second.
Great freedom loving politics, very good economy, doesnt bow to 1percent trannies

literally everyone I know is voting for Desantis in 2024. democrat and republican alike.

>he thinks the globohomo will allow anyone who is America first to take office

top kek my friend. They will rig 2024 just like they did for 2020. There is no way to win politically regarding the problems we face

I want either him or Trump to lead here in the UK! It's just a dream. Instead we must put up with a nightmare

I love how the lgbt fags are trying there best to destroy him but keep failing. They created the “don’t say gay” bill to make it seem homophobic. DeSantis doesn’t give a shit whether some one is gay or not, but he will sure as hell stop the 1% form pushing there agenda on the youth. He simply made a law preventing kids to learn about sex and gender until the 5th grade. He also signs a bill for Florida students to take a financial class before graduation, teaching them about taxes and credit cards, so kids will stop being stupid and putting themselves into debt.

who is JFK?

an irish just like biden?

>teaching them about taxes and credit cards, so kids will stop being stupid and putting themselves into debt.

Im actually glad leftists are so preoccupied with the bullshit over dont say gay that this flew under the radar.

This bill will create more Republicans than any other. Democrats rely people who are stupid regarding money looking for handouts from the government to save them, and not care about their reckless spending

kek, all catholics look the same to me
they may as well elect the pope president

If they have to pass a law to prevent you from teaching 5 year olds about sex, you shouldn't be a teacher; in fact, you shouldn't be allowed within 100 yards of a school.

DeKlantis was helped with his election by Nazis. Now he imposes Nazi ideas throughout state. Elderly, rednecks and Trumpanzees love him. Donny will destroy him.

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Holy shit, everyone is a nazi to a leftist faggot like you aren't they?


Great man. Hes going to do big things as VP in 2024 and then as Potus in 2028.

I live in commiefornia, and I would totally vote this guy as pres


I’d vote for the Pope

Well if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

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take your meds

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DeSantis? sounds like a immigrant name.....

You're painfully stupid. Idiots like you have robbed that word of all meaning, try to read some history before you use stereotyping slurs against anyone you disagree with.

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america was built on the back of immigration (legal)

You need hard working people to build things, that's why.
Niggers are not hardworking.