Food shortages incoming

>Food shortages incoming
>Energy crisis incoming
>Internet shutdown imminent
>Nuclear war maybe
I'm gonna miss you guys when this is over.
Everyone else cool with just watching this shit burn?

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all cars made after 2024 must get at least 45 mpg

been waiting my whole life

They also come with a tracking chip that can remotely shut down your car if Zuckerberg wants you dead

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Same and nice dubs
You got your booze and tendies?

I want to watch the nogs murder the soycucks

It definitely won't be comfy, but it will be interesting.

>It definitely won't be comfy
Yeah, its gonna suck.
I stockpiled a shitload of coffee but I know when I run out the caffeine withdrawal is gonna suck

Let it burn, yeah.

caffeine pills

Unless you pack enough to survive the rest of your life, you will eventually have to go through the withdrawal process

>Loves in the most peaceful time in human history

Get a life

The fuck you gonna go through caffeine withdrawal for? Why are you even gonna need caffeine? The fuck you waking up for so early when the world is over? Got a job to go to dumbass?

I just hope the internet lasts
I want to see the drone footage of the world burning

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>The fuck you waking up for so early when the world is over?
Its easiest to fish in the mornings
Bet you didn't know that

>Got a job to go to dumbass?
feeding myself will be my job.

The world is over yet you still continue to live your days is if you're a slave to a schedule. Did you know many species of fish are active at night? As well as large and small game that prefer to move under the cover of darkness waiting to be hunted?
>World ends
>Well guess I better keep doing everything I was doing before by the letter

You should ration the coffee supplies for yourself so when you eventually run out the withdrawal doesn't hurt as much.
Other than that how about trying to grow coffee beans?
>Its easiest to fish in the mornings
You can change your sleep schedual to wake up earlier.

>most peaceful time in human history
That's a meme that doesn't apply to Third World countries.
You'll need to survive day-by-day in a post-apocalypse.

You don't steal a US Presidential election and then back down, you go for broke after that cuz there is no turning back now. we're on a roller coaster ride we can't get off of, and there's nothing we can do about it.

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I'm cool with it.
I live in Alaska and know how to forage, hunt, and fish.
Honestly the main difference will be me having to make my own alcohol because currently the only things I work for are beer at the bars and saving up for a house.
If I just walked out and built a house problem 2 is solved.

Why would you need coffee to stay up all night when there was nothing to stop you from sleeping all day?

bring it