Is this guy based? Or is he a shitbag?

Is this guy based? Or is he a shitbag?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-01 at 23-22-04 Hollywood actor urges billionaires to buy fighter jets for Ukraine.png (1017x844, 1.05M)

isnt there a law against this?
providing aid to foreign country?

But the US government does it with israel so they can keep killing civilians

And I want to see his promised smelting of his Oscars due to Zelensky not putting in an appearance

Strung out old drunk

No, he’s fucking retarded.

The pilot and his training are more important than the jet. Russia will knock them out of the sky since Ukrainian pilots probably have next to zero training.
>INB4 ghost of Kyiv
That was a fake story

Not a Russian shill, just a realist. Fighter pilot training is very rigorous. You can't just hop in a jet and pretend you are playing Ace Combat.

It seems to me, once you've lost air superiority it would be very difficult to get it back. Probably impossible actually

he is a old deluded has been. Isn't anyone paying him any mind.

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He’s gonna get scammed

Providing aide to a hostile country or one we are at war against is unless they can't legally have a fighter jet it's fine. That being said fighter jets are made to order (a process that can take years) or come from other countries/used. The US military and US allies likely won't sell to them and it is illegal to buy from some places.

Uhhh okay

Kids these days have no fucken idea who any of these Hollywood "stars" are. Hollywood is completely outdated and redundant at this point

Washed-up Hollywood cocksucker who keeps sticking his nose in international situations he knows next to nothing about.

governments don't follow the laws.

He looks like a fucken meth head

shitbag warmonger, let the slavs decimate each other

Isnt this what Libertarians are all about?

He's just trying to stay relevant. Nobody gives a fuck about him anymore and he's desperate for attention. Give him a juice box and turn on some cartoons. He'll cry when his diaper needs changing.

how ever buy a jet/helicopter have weapons removed find a shady arms dealer too work grey area magic probably just do separate shipment/ hide weapons and have them reassemble the weapons.

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>how ever

he's always been a piece of shit. zoomers don't remember but he's a wife beater that attacked cameramen. actors are all zogbots.